Saturday, January 18, 2014


more snow, snow, snow!  is that even news this winter? people are already talking longingly of spring.

did you have a look at yesterday's photo friday?  it's a photo of our leftover almond pie from thanksgiving. we ate all we wanted but i didn't want to throw it away.  it occurred to me that the birds might enjoy it. it was nuts and gooey filling and pie crust. foodstuff that would be found in a suet cake. and it was super cold so it wouldn't spoil.  thinking why not? the pie was placed on a tray at the bird feeding station. i watched daily to see if the birds had taken to it.  it took awhile but the birds found it and they have munched it to crumbs. thanksgiving pie becomes fancy bird suet!

the first week of the new whimsey project daily doings is complete.  solitude sunday, moments monday and trivia tuesday are grand additions to the whimsey project. please share any activities you'd enjoy.

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