it never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.
the whimsey project is an on-going opportunity for others to join the artist in happenings as well as blog about life's whimsical experiences. if you have a sense of humor and enjoy the absurd, join us at the whimsey project.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
whimsical wednesday
we're creating a whimsey book 2016 for whimsical wednesday! find a day planner, calendar of any size, notebook, whatever you wish to use. the smaller the more portable. decorate the cover if you wish. on the inside leaf page, write your name and the book title "whimsey book" and the year 2016. the goal for 2016 is to find something whimsical about each day and record it in the whimsey book. should everyday be too much for you, select a number of days you wish to record something whimsical. even if it's only once a week, that's grand. throughout the year we will visit our whimsey books; sharing wonderfully whimsical moments with each other.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the trivia; experiential or factual! bring it on!
it's almost new year's eve. that magical last moment of the exiting year where people burst into a song they really know nothing about! auld lang syne. from the website,, here's valuable background about the song that is sung all over the world:
it's almost new year's eve. that magical last moment of the exiting year where people burst into a song they really know nothing about! auld lang syne. from the website,, here's valuable background about the song that is sung all over the world:
Monday, December 28, 2015
miscellaneous monday
get ready.....
get ready for whimsical wednesday! we're preparing a 2016 whimsey book. start looking for a book, calendar, pocket notebook or other item to use for your whimsey book. more details on wednesday!
Sunday, December 27, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. what are you reading?
the forest and the sea by marston bates is now discussing the woodland, savanna and desert. areas of the earth more familiar and accessible to more individuals.
the forest and the sea by marston bates is now discussing the woodland, savanna and desert. areas of the earth more familiar and accessible to more individuals.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
silly saturday
Friday, December 25, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
thoughtful thursday
a.a. milne:
"christmas is a togethery sort of holiday" said pooh.
"that's my favorite kind" said piglet. "togethery and remembery."
"christmas is a togethery sort of holiday" said pooh.
"that's my favorite kind" said piglet. "togethery and remembery."
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
whimsical wednesday
we are preparing for the holidays this whimsical wednesday! do whatever you still have on your task list! complete your list with whimsey and joy! ho! ho! ho!
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the trivia; experiential or factual! bring on the trivia!
atlas obscura offers an interesting article on victorian era christmas cards. wonder what we would think about receiving the cards featured today!?
atlas obscura offers an interesting article on victorian era christmas cards. wonder what we would think about receiving the cards featured today!?
Monday, December 21, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project. our day to share stuff we don't share the rest of the week.
over the weekend i had an early holiday dinner with friends. we have been having a christmas dinner together for several years. being even older than i am, there are certain items put on the table every year. like a relish tray; pickles, olives and such. another is the jello mold! this year's was fancy, fancy! what are some of the food traditions you share with family and/or friends?
over the weekend i had an early holiday dinner with friends. we have been having a christmas dinner together for several years. being even older than i am, there are certain items put on the table every year. like a relish tray; pickles, olives and such. another is the jello mold! this year's was fancy, fancy! what are some of the food traditions you share with family and/or friends?
red and green jello mold! |
get ready.....
get ready for whimsical wednesday! our focus will be holiday preparations. whatever task(s) that remain on the list, that will be the focus of whimsey! ho! ho! ho!
Sunday, December 20, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. what are you reading?
the rain forest chapter continues in bates' the forest and the sea. the rain forest is not a jungle, as described and defined by bates.
the rain forest chapter continues in bates' the forest and the sea. the rain forest is not a jungle, as described and defined by bates.
Saturday, December 19, 2015
silly saturday
Friday, December 18, 2015
Thursday, December 17, 2015
thoughtful thursday
steven aitchison:
i would like to thank every single person who has ever been unkind to me. you taught me to be even kinder to others.
i would like to thank every single person who has ever been unkind to me. you taught me to be even kinder to others.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
whimsical wednesday
we're celebrating national chocolate covered everything day for whimsical wednesday! cover something unusual with chocolate today! [recipe for simple chocolate coating: for each one cup of chocolate chips add one tablespoon of real butter or shortening. melt in microwave for about one minute. stir to melt remaining chocolate bits. also, cover a cookie sheet or tray with foil. butter or spray foil so food won't stick.] what did you cover in chocolate for whimsical wednesday? share!
this morning i was up early and in the kitchen. i covered several morsels with dark chocolate chips. i also made homemade "almond joy" bark. there was enough chocolate left over so i dipped half of already baked coconut macaroons. photo of morsels covered in chocolate:
this morning i was up early and in the kitchen. i covered several morsels with dark chocolate chips. i also made homemade "almond joy" bark. there was enough chocolate left over so i dipped half of already baked coconut macaroons. photo of morsels covered in chocolate:
l to r: bacon, crackers, cookies, corn chips, coconut, cereal, peppermints, apple chips and sweet potato chips. more cookies on other tray. |
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project. our day to share all the trivia; experiential or factual. share!
candy canes. it's that time of year. here's a link for fun facts about candy canes:
candy canes. it's that time of year. here's a link for fun facts about candy canes:
Monday, December 14, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project. our day to share all the stuff we don't share the rest of the week. bring on the miscellaneous!
jane kim painted a giant mural of the evolution of birds. it's gorgeous! see the mural and read about it in this slate article:
jane kim painted a giant mural of the evolution of birds. it's gorgeous! see the mural and read about it in this slate article:
get ready.....
get ready for whimsical wednesday. we are celebrating national ''chocolate covered anything" day! be thinking about what morsel you'll cover with chocolate!
Sunday, December 13, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. what are you reading?
after the interlude with matisse, i return to marton bates' the forest and the sea. this sunday's read was about the rain forest.
after the interlude with matisse, i return to marton bates' the forest and the sea. this sunday's read was about the rain forest.
Saturday, December 12, 2015
silly saturday
silly saturday at the whimsey project! our day to grin, giggle, guffaw! share!
our friend baked christmas cookies with her five and nine year old children. the five year old, a boy, wanted to make a snowman. he stacked three balls of cookie dough to resemble a snowman. mom allowed that arrangement to go into the oven. when it came out of the oven the snowman had melted into a blob of baked dough. the little guy looked at the blob on the cookie sheet and exclaimed, "the snowman melted!".
our friend baked christmas cookies with her five and nine year old children. the five year old, a boy, wanted to make a snowman. he stacked three balls of cookie dough to resemble a snowman. mom allowed that arrangement to go into the oven. when it came out of the oven the snowman had melted into a blob of baked dough. the little guy looked at the blob on the cookie sheet and exclaimed, "the snowman melted!".
Friday, December 11, 2015
Thursday, December 10, 2015
thoughtful thursday
a.a. milne:
organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.
organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
whimsical wednesday
it's journal writing day for whimsical wednesday! if you don't have a journal begin one today! many journal ideas abound. a few include a personal journal, a themed journal (i keep a farm journal), a memory book in which to record random memories, a notable notebook in which to keep interesting stuff like facts or quotes or whatever. you might also consider an art journal. art and words come together in an art journal. pleasant journaling!
throughout the day i share be writing in all my journals: personal, farm, memory book, art journal and if something cool comes along, something for the notable notebook.
throughout the day i share be writing in all my journals: personal, farm, memory book, art journal and if something cool comes along, something for the notable notebook.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the trivia; experiential or factual. what say you?
television's gunsmoke was always playing at home as i was growing up. after several years of no gunsmoke on television, it has, once again, place on television. while watching one day i commented that matt dillion, u.s. marshall, said HOLD IT! a lot; wondering if anyone had ever counted the number of times he uttered HOLD IT. someone did count! my daughter sent a link to the trivia and i'll share that with you. for the record, matt shouted HOLD IT! 635 times throughout gunsmoke's long tenure on television!
television's gunsmoke was always playing at home as i was growing up. after several years of no gunsmoke on television, it has, once again, place on television. while watching one day i commented that matt dillion, u.s. marshall, said HOLD IT! a lot; wondering if anyone had ever counted the number of times he uttered HOLD IT. someone did count! my daughter sent a link to the trivia and i'll share that with you. for the record, matt shouted HOLD IT! 635 times throughout gunsmoke's long tenure on television!
Monday, December 7, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share stuff we don't share the rest of the week. bring on the miscellaneous.
mid october found us outside hanging bird feeders and suet holders. we waited and waited and waited and waited... no birds. heavy sigh! last week brought several consecutive days of low temperatures overnight and heavy frost by morning's light. suddenly birds! so much activity at all the feeders (and feed scattered on the ground)! the birds are everywhere! and so many: blue jay, blue bird, flicker, nuthatch, cardinal, downy woodpecker, titmouse, chickadee, dove, grackle. observing them is delightfully whimsical.
mid october found us outside hanging bird feeders and suet holders. we waited and waited and waited and waited... no birds. heavy sigh! last week brought several consecutive days of low temperatures overnight and heavy frost by morning's light. suddenly birds! so much activity at all the feeders (and feed scattered on the ground)! the birds are everywhere! and so many: blue jay, blue bird, flicker, nuthatch, cardinal, downy woodpecker, titmouse, chickadee, dove, grackle. observing them is delightfully whimsical.
get ready.....
get ready for whimsical wednesday! get out all your journals and writing utensils because we'll be writing for whimsical wednesday.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. what are you reading? share your book with the whimsey project.
douglas mannering's, the paintings of matisse, was finished with today's reading session. matisse is my favorite impressionist painter. i learned new information about him and his work from reading this book.
douglas mannering's, the paintings of matisse, was finished with today's reading session. matisse is my favorite impressionist painter. i learned new information about him and his work from reading this book.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
silly saturday
Friday, December 4, 2015
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
whimsical wednesday
we're creating kitchen counter art with fruits and vegetables for whimsical wednesday! get out your fresh fruits and veggies. make different arrangements with them. take photos. or not. report back to the whimsey project about your fruit and veggie adventures!
fruit and veggie study #1 |
fruit and veggie study #2 |
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the trivia; experiential or factual. bring it on!
from i didn't know that on twitter:
MYFRIDGEFOOD.COM is a website where you can enter the food you have in your refrigerator. from that list of items, you are given recipes for what to cook! wheeeeee.........
from i didn't know that on twitter:
MYFRIDGEFOOD.COM is a website where you can enter the food you have in your refrigerator. from that list of items, you are given recipes for what to cook! wheeeeee.........
Monday, November 30, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the stuff we don't share the rest of the week. what say you?
over the holiday weekend, my daughters rearranged my bedroom to create a crafting area. it's wonderful! now i have a place to spread my projects and i don't have to put them away between work sessions. and the table in the kitchen remains free for normal kitchen activities, like eating dinner. now that the room is rearranged putting all the stuff in order is now the focus. everything is in odd boxes or box lids. as i have been dealing with stuff in boxes and box lids, a thought came to mind. remember velveeta cheese? it is packaged in a very sturdy cardboard rectangle box. the lid is a thinner cardboard that slides over the bottom half of the box. the cheese has value for some recipes however the true value is the box! they make great organizers for drawers. they hold lots of items like pens and pencils, paint brushes, crayons, markers and on and on. dating myself, i still have velveeta boxes in the kitchen drawers, holding small kitchen utensils, that date back to 1972! besides taking care of them, the boxes last and last. they are that sturdy. do you have any velveeta boxes you utilize for practical use?
over the holiday weekend, my daughters rearranged my bedroom to create a crafting area. it's wonderful! now i have a place to spread my projects and i don't have to put them away between work sessions. and the table in the kitchen remains free for normal kitchen activities, like eating dinner. now that the room is rearranged putting all the stuff in order is now the focus. everything is in odd boxes or box lids. as i have been dealing with stuff in boxes and box lids, a thought came to mind. remember velveeta cheese? it is packaged in a very sturdy cardboard rectangle box. the lid is a thinner cardboard that slides over the bottom half of the box. the cheese has value for some recipes however the true value is the box! they make great organizers for drawers. they hold lots of items like pens and pencils, paint brushes, crayons, markers and on and on. dating myself, i still have velveeta boxes in the kitchen drawers, holding small kitchen utensils, that date back to 1972! besides taking care of them, the boxes last and last. they are that sturdy. do you have any velveeta boxes you utilize for practical use?
get ready.....
get ready for whimsical wednesday! we're creating kitchen counter art with fresh fruits and vegetables. get your fruits and vegetables ready.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. what are you reading?
switching gears today, i read the paintings of matisse by douglas mannering. the chapters i read discussed the evolution of matisse's painting style as well as his endeavors in sculpture.
switching gears today, i read the paintings of matisse by douglas mannering. the chapters i read discussed the evolution of matisse's painting style as well as his endeavors in sculpture.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
silly saturday
silly saturday at the whimsey project! our day to share silliness to make us grin, giggle, guffaw. bring on the silly!
courtesy of holy cuteness, a hamster eating a carrot slice in bed:
courtesy of holy cuteness, a hamster eating a carrot slice in bed:
Friday, November 27, 2015
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
whimsical wednesday
we're getting ready for thanksgiving for whimical wednesday! do what you do to prepare for the day of thanks. what are you doing? share with the whimsey project!
for whimsical wednesday i will bake a pecan pie. this evening we will have a pre-thanksgiving celebration with friend and her children. we always serve meatloaf on thanksgiving eve. after dinner will come a craft and a fire in the fireplace. wheeeeeee......
for whimsical wednesday i will bake a pecan pie. this evening we will have a pre-thanksgiving celebration with friend and her children. we always serve meatloaf on thanksgiving eve. after dinner will come a craft and a fire in the fireplace. wheeeeeee......
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share trivia; experiential or factual. share your stuff!
according to statistics, more than 50 million turkeys are put on thanksgiving tables across america.
here's a link to more turkey/thanksgiving statistics:
according to statistics, more than 50 million turkeys are put on thanksgiving tables across america.
here's a link to more turkey/thanksgiving statistics:
Monday, November 23, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the stuff we don't share the rest of the week. bring it on!
travel and leisure posted a neat slideshow of the 23 best american towns for the holidays. maybe there's one near you to visit. maybe you'd like to travel to a location. maybe you'll just enjoy the slide show. link:
travel and leisure posted a neat slideshow of the 23 best american towns for the holidays. maybe there's one near you to visit. maybe you'd like to travel to a location. maybe you'll just enjoy the slide show. link:
get ready.....
get ready for whimsical wednesday! it's the day before thanksgiving so there's probably much to do! we'll use whimsical wednesday for that purpose. make your decorations, bake pies, get a craft or game together for company activities, select music to play, set the table. whatever you wish to do to make thanksgiving more whimsical!
Sunday, November 22, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. what are you reading?
lakes and rivers is what i'm reading about in bates', the forest and the sea.
lakes and rivers is what i'm reading about in bates', the forest and the sea.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
silly saturday
Friday, November 20, 2015
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
whimsical wednesday
it's all about words for whimsical wednesday! select a word you really like then research that word in as many languages as possible. need a nudge? a few words to consider: love, happy, friend, peace, smile. share your word with the whimsey project!
my word search began with the word "whimsy" and came up empty. looked at the color "blue" and found that all of the languages use a riff on blue. next was smile, laugh, laughter. the word i finally selected was "smile" as the gesture itself is universal.
the best source i found online for reading about words in other languages was IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. there is a home page. following is the specific page for the word smile:
also, my search revealed there are posters of words in different languages. the following image is from
my word search began with the word "whimsy" and came up empty. looked at the color "blue" and found that all of the languages use a riff on blue. next was smile, laugh, laughter. the word i finally selected was "smile" as the gesture itself is universal.
the best source i found online for reading about words in other languages was IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. there is a home page. following is the specific page for the word smile:
also, my search revealed there are posters of words in different languages. the following image is from
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the trivia; experiential or factual.
from weird history:
the word TWININGS in the twinings tea logo is 300 years old; the world's oldest existing logo.
from weird history:
the word TWININGS in the twinings tea logo is 300 years old; the world's oldest existing logo.
Monday, November 16, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the stuff we don't share the rest of the week. what say you about miscellaneous?
atlas obscura features the neatest stuff to share and enjoy. this feature is about the pysanka museum in in ukraine; the only museum dedicated to the ukranian easter egg. here's the link:
atlas obscura features the neatest stuff to share and enjoy. this feature is about the pysanka museum in in ukraine; the only museum dedicated to the ukranian easter egg. here's the link:
get ready.....
get ready for whimsical wednesday! we are selecting a word then finding that word in as many different languages as our research allows. begin thinking of the word you want to use; some options would be hello, friend, peace, love, happy.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. what are you reading? share your book with the whimsey project.
my time with the forest and the sea, by marston bates, detailed life in the coral reef. i learned much reading about the variety of life amid the reef and how reefs are formed.
my time with the forest and the sea, by marston bates, detailed life in the coral reef. i learned much reading about the variety of life amid the reef and how reefs are formed.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
silly saturday
silly saturday at the whimsey project! our day to share silly to make us grin, giggle, guffaw! bring on your silly!
from highlights:
Q: what do you call an old dog?
A: grandpaw!
from highlights:
Q: what do you call an old dog?
A: grandpaw!
Friday, November 13, 2015
Thursday, November 12, 2015
thoughtful thursday
walker evans:
whether he is artist or not, the photographer is a joyous sensualist, for the simple reason that the eye traffics in feelings, not in thoughts.
whether he is artist or not, the photographer is a joyous sensualist, for the simple reason that the eye traffics in feelings, not in thoughts.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
whimsical wednesday
it's national origami day for whimsical wednesday! fold paper! any kind of paper any way you want to fold the paper. and perhaps check out origami as an art on-line or in a book.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the trivia; experiential or factual. what say you?
in my experience, teenagers have very BIG feet!!
in my experience, teenagers have very BIG feet!!
Monday, November 9, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the stuff we don't share the rest of the week. what's your miscellaneous for monday?
i was able to attend the performances of my daughter's dance company over the weekend in chicago. it was grand.
![]() |
pre-performance huddle of the luna troop dance company. |
get ready.....
it's national origami day for whimsical wednesday! yes, we are going to fold paper. maybe you have origami paper, maybe you don't. think about what you want make when you fold any piece of paper on whimsical wednesday.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. what are you reading?
the open sea was discussed in the chapter just completed in the forest and the sea by marston bates. this chapter details the variety of life in the sea and how the environment shapes the different adapted to their environment.
the open sea was discussed in the chapter just completed in the forest and the sea by marston bates. this chapter details the variety of life in the sea and how the environment shapes the different adapted to their environment.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
silly saturday
Friday, November 6, 2015
Thursday, November 5, 2015
thoughtful thursday
meditation is basically just a human's attempt to be a dog for ten minutes.
meditation is basically just a human's attempt to be a dog for ten minutes.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
whimsical wednesday
it's holiday greeting cards for whimsical wednesday! it's never too early to being to address this task (hahahahahhaaha..... pun intended!). if you make your cards, get started. if you purchase cards, consider shopping today. if you have cards in progress, work on them. if nothing else, start thinking about your holiday greetings!
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the trivia; factual or experiential! you got trivia?
from weird history via twitter:
spiked dog collars were invented in ancient greece to protect dogs' throats from wolves!
from weird history via twitter:
spiked dog collars were invented in ancient greece to protect dogs' throats from wolves!
Monday, November 2, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the stuff we don't share anywhere else. what is your contribution to miscellaneous monday?
saturday was halloween. living in the country with no close neighbors, there are no trick or treaters. until this year! friends brought their youngsters over and they were so excited to knock on the door and say, "trick or treat!!". my nephew and his wife were in town for a party so they stopped by to deliver a few items. since we knew there would be visitors, we created treat bags. only four but it was fun to gather candy and such to put in the bags. the treat bags were ready in the morning. they sat on the table all day, awaiting their recipients! we'd grin every time we passed the treat bags. our first trick or treaters ever! it was a happy halloween.
saturday was halloween. living in the country with no close neighbors, there are no trick or treaters. until this year! friends brought their youngsters over and they were so excited to knock on the door and say, "trick or treat!!". my nephew and his wife were in town for a party so they stopped by to deliver a few items. since we knew there would be visitors, we created treat bags. only four but it was fun to gather candy and such to put in the bags. the treat bags were ready in the morning. they sat on the table all day, awaiting their recipients! we'd grin every time we passed the treat bags. our first trick or treaters ever! it was a happy halloween.
get ready.....
get ready for whimsical wednesday! it's not too early to begin thinking about holiday greeting cards. get started on these for whimsical wednesday!
Sunday, November 1, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. what are you reading?
as it's a lovely day, i was able to read a few chapters of marston bates' the forest and the sea. he discussed biospheres, evolution, the similarities between the forest and the seas.
as it's a lovely day, i was able to read a few chapters of marston bates' the forest and the sea. he discussed biospheres, evolution, the similarities between the forest and the seas.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
silly saturday
Friday, October 30, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
thoughtful thursday
zadie smith:
every moment happens two times; once inside and once outside, and they are two different histories.
every moment happens two times; once inside and once outside, and they are two different histories.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
whimsical wednesday
whimsical wednesday at the whimsey project! our activity for today is to prepare for halloween! carve or otherwise decorate pumpkins. create a costume for yourself or someone else. learn to make homemade caramel for deconstructed (cut up) caramel apples. decorate a window or a door. make a centerpiece for the table. send a few halloween cards. oh! the possibilities! later, share your whimsical wednesday fun here at the whimsey project!
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the trivia; experiential or factual. what say you?
weird history reported that in finnish an exclamation point is called a shout mark; in spanish it's a wonder symbol!!
weird history reported that in finnish an exclamation point is called a shout mark; in spanish it's a wonder symbol!!
Monday, October 26, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the stuff we don't share the rest of the week. bring on the miscellaneous. miscellaneous. such a cool word!
there's nothing like a kitty sigh. one of my kitties has been a snuggler since she came here as a wee kitten. she gets in the crook of my arm, settles in and offers a long, contented sigh. this has been our routine for more than ten years now and it delights me still.
there's nothing like a kitty sigh. one of my kitties has been a snuggler since she came here as a wee kitten. she gets in the crook of my arm, settles in and offers a long, contented sigh. this has been our routine for more than ten years now and it delights me still.
get ready.....
it's almost halloween! for whimsical wednesday prepare for the big event! make a costume for yourself or someone else. make fudge or another tasty treat. learn how to make homemade caramel for deconstructed caramel apples on halloween. decorate something silly not spooky! be thinking of your preparation for halloween for whimsical wednesday!
Sunday, October 25, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. what are you reading?
my journey with marston bates, the forest and the sea, continues. currently he's discussing parameters about meaning and definition in science.
douglas mannering, the paintings of matisse, continues to delight.
my journey with marston bates, the forest and the sea, continues. currently he's discussing parameters about meaning and definition in science.
douglas mannering, the paintings of matisse, continues to delight.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
silly saturday
silly saturday at the whimsey project! our day to share silly to make us grin, giggle, guffaw! what's your silly?
highlights magazine:
Q: why did the king go to the dentist?
A: to get his teeth crowned!
highlights magazine:
Q: why did the king go to the dentist?
A: to get his teeth crowned!
Friday, October 23, 2015
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
whimsical wednesday
it's whimsical wednesday! posting later today because google was acting up! but here we are and there's still time to enjoy today's activity. we are saying hi using social media. no doubt you have lots of people you are connected to on the social sites you visit. but do you ever speak directly to them? choose one person to say hi to and surprise them with a personal greeting!
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the trivia; factual or experiential. what say you?
i read somewhere that the greek word oikos means household. i'll never see a container of oikos greek yogurt the same again. it won't be oikos yogurt, it'll be household yogurt!
i read somewhere that the greek word oikos means household. i'll never see a container of oikos greek yogurt the same again. it won't be oikos yogurt, it'll be household yogurt!
Monday, October 19, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share stuff we don't share any other time of the week. what say you for miscellaneous monday?
einstein said the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome. there's something to that. however, with some things i've determined that some outcomes must be different with the same theme. for example, the movie king kong. there should never be another king kong movie made unless kong lives! it could happen and the movie would still be cool. what about you? what outcome do you want to be different?
einstein said the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome. there's something to that. however, with some things i've determined that some outcomes must be different with the same theme. for example, the movie king kong. there should never be another king kong movie made unless kong lives! it could happen and the movie would still be cool. what about you? what outcome do you want to be different?
get ready.....
get ready for whimsical wednesday. we are using social media to say hi. more on wednesday!
Sunday, October 18, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. what are you reading?
with kabloona completed during the week, the next read is the forest and the sea by marston bates. another time-life special edition, biologist bates shared his insights; a look at what he called "the economy of nature and the ecology of man".
secondarily, i am reading the paintings of matisse by douglas mannering. the book is constructed in such a way as to lend itself to reading a few pages, examining the paintings offered and setting the book aside for awhile. matisse is my favorite painter from the fauve/impressionist era.
with kabloona completed during the week, the next read is the forest and the sea by marston bates. another time-life special edition, biologist bates shared his insights; a look at what he called "the economy of nature and the ecology of man".
secondarily, i am reading the paintings of matisse by douglas mannering. the book is constructed in such a way as to lend itself to reading a few pages, examining the paintings offered and setting the book aside for awhile. matisse is my favorite painter from the fauve/impressionist era.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
silly saturday
Friday, October 16, 2015
Thursday, October 15, 2015
thoughtful thursday
gontran de poncins in kabloona:
"together we spent hours like this, reading in the great book of silence. he learnt its lessons in childhood; i have come from afar to spell them out with extreme difficulty. they have taught me, above all, to discard things; haste, worry, rebelliousness, selfishness. it has taken me a year to learn these lessons and i see suddenly that my year in the north has not been, as i thought it, a year of conquest of the elements, but of conquest of myself....."
"together we spent hours like this, reading in the great book of silence. he learnt its lessons in childhood; i have come from afar to spell them out with extreme difficulty. they have taught me, above all, to discard things; haste, worry, rebelliousness, selfishness. it has taken me a year to learn these lessons and i see suddenly that my year in the north has not been, as i thought it, a year of conquest of the elements, but of conquest of myself....."
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
whimsical wednesday
put on your mona lisa smile for whimsical wednesday! how do we do that? become conscience of a smile on your face. it need not be a grin or huge smile, just a tiny smile. pay attention to how you feel as well. does the mona lisa smile make you feel better? more positive? check in later and share your mona lisa smile experience with us.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the trivia; experiential or factual. bring on your trivia!
i love words! from the oxford english dictionary:
mouton enrage is the word for a normally calm person who becomes suddenly enraged or violent!
i love words! from the oxford english dictionary:
mouton enrage is the word for a normally calm person who becomes suddenly enraged or violent!
Monday, October 12, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share stuff we don't share the rest of the week. bring on the miscellaneous.
doggie art that's awesome! courtesy of barkpost:
doggie art that's awesome! courtesy of barkpost:
Sunday, October 11, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. read anything but consider books that have been waiting a long time to be read. what are you reading?
treasure trove here at home! a box of time-life published classics was discovered. my first delve into the box is kabloona by gontran de poncins, co-authored by lewis galatiere. kabloona is de poncins' account of his life among the inuit in the upper reaches of the canadian arctic. wow! what an adventure.
treasure trove here at home! a box of time-life published classics was discovered. my first delve into the box is kabloona by gontran de poncins, co-authored by lewis galatiere. kabloona is de poncins' account of his life among the inuit in the upper reaches of the canadian arctic. wow! what an adventure.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
silly saturday
silly saturday at the whimsey project! our day to share silliness to grin, giggle, guffaw!
highlights for children:
A: how do turtles call each other?
Q: on their shell phones!
highlights for children:
A: how do turtles call each other?
Q: on their shell phones!
Friday, October 9, 2015
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
whimsical wednesday
it's take it easy day for whimsical wednesday! me for recovery from illness. maybe for you the same or just needing a break. work a puzzle, watch an old movie, read, sit on the porch, color, cut out polka dots for later use. enjoy your take it easy day and share your (in)activity with the whimsey project!
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all manner of trivia; factual and experiential. share your trivia!
my trivia is both factual and experiential. yesterday i visited the doctor and this is what i learned:
did you know that the antibiotics your doctor prescribes for your illness in only 80% effective? according to my doctor (who is also a trained pharmacist) an antibiotic will knock out about 80% of the bad stuff making you sick. the remaining 20% lingers in your system and easily brings on a recurrence of the illness you were previously treated for. result? back to the doctor for another round of medication. a heavy sigh, that is!
my trivia is both factual and experiential. yesterday i visited the doctor and this is what i learned:
did you know that the antibiotics your doctor prescribes for your illness in only 80% effective? according to my doctor (who is also a trained pharmacist) an antibiotic will knock out about 80% of the bad stuff making you sick. the remaining 20% lingers in your system and easily brings on a recurrence of the illness you were previously treated for. result? back to the doctor for another round of medication. a heavy sigh, that is!
Monday, October 5, 2015
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share stuff we don't share the rest of the week. bring on your stuff!
from atlas obscura, one of my favorite websites: out of place put in place by a dude in los angeles:
from atlas obscura, one of my favorite websites: out of place put in place by a dude in los angeles:
get ready.....
illness has reared it's ugly head again for me. let's take it easy on whimsical wednesday while i recover. do something restful: color, work a crossword puzzle, find-a-word search, hidden pictures, dot to dot, solitaire with an actual deck of cards! or just take a nap.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. any book will do. however, consider spending time with a book that has been sitting on the shelf for a long time. what are you reading? share your book with the whimsey project.
a kim jong-il production by paul fischer is not to be believed. but it's a true story. a film maker and a film star from south korea are individually abducted and taken to north korea. they are put into prison. kim jong-il has plans for this former husband and wife. they are to be the future of north korean movies.
a kim jong-il production by paul fischer is not to be believed. but it's a true story. a film maker and a film star from south korea are individually abducted and taken to north korea. they are put into prison. kim jong-il has plans for this former husband and wife. they are to be the future of north korean movies.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
silly saturday
Friday, October 2, 2015
Thursday, October 1, 2015
thoughtful thursday
humane society:
saving a dog won't change the world. but for that dog, the world changes forever.
saving a dog won't change the world. but for that dog, the world changes forever.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
whimsical wednesday
it's journal day for whimsical wednesday! it's fun to keep different themed journals. if you don't have a journal, this whimsical wednesday is a good day to begin. you have lots of options:
*personal journal: writing for yourself about anything you wish.
*notable notebook: a journal to keep fun/neat stuff you encounter like quotes.
*special theme: i keep a farm journal which details life on my 40 acre farm.
*memory book: a journal in which to record random memories about anything.
perhaps you have an idea for a journal. if so, share with the whimsey project!
*personal journal: writing for yourself about anything you wish.
*notable notebook: a journal to keep fun/neat stuff you encounter like quotes.
*special theme: i keep a farm journal which details life on my 40 acre farm.
*memory book: a journal in which to record random memories about anything.
perhaps you have an idea for a journal. if so, share with the whimsey project!
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
trivia tuesday
Monday, September 28, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project. our day to share all the stuff we don't share the rest of the week. what say you?
this will read like something heloise wrote but it's neat so worth posting. i have a standard refrigerator. two doors; one up for the freezer compartment and one down for the cooling compartment. to my chagrin the seal on the freezer compartment had gotten loose enough to cause it to pop open when the cooling compartment door was closed. or one would close the freezer compartment door thinking it was closed and it wasn't. refrigerator door was added to the to-do list. meaning i had to call someone for help. i finally made the call last thursday. the voice on the other end, after hearing my refrigerator problem, said, "clean the seal around the inside of the freezer compartment door then rub vaseline over the entire surface of the seal." astonished by this response and getting help without having to pay a service call, i uttered thank you and said i would try this. it was tried and wow! it works!!! there you have it fellow wim-zees! if your refrigerator door seals get tired all you need is a good cleaning and a jar of vaseline! wheeeeee......
this will read like something heloise wrote but it's neat so worth posting. i have a standard refrigerator. two doors; one up for the freezer compartment and one down for the cooling compartment. to my chagrin the seal on the freezer compartment had gotten loose enough to cause it to pop open when the cooling compartment door was closed. or one would close the freezer compartment door thinking it was closed and it wasn't. refrigerator door was added to the to-do list. meaning i had to call someone for help. i finally made the call last thursday. the voice on the other end, after hearing my refrigerator problem, said, "clean the seal around the inside of the freezer compartment door then rub vaseline over the entire surface of the seal." astonished by this response and getting help without having to pay a service call, i uttered thank you and said i would try this. it was tried and wow! it works!!! there you have it fellow wim-zees! if your refrigerator door seals get tired all you need is a good cleaning and a jar of vaseline! wheeeeee......
get ready.....
whimsical wednesday is coming! we'll be writing in any of our journals. if you haven't begun a journal, read about options on wednesday!
Sunday, September 27, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. what are you reading?
a new book begins for me; paul fischer's, a kim jong-il production. the book recounts the saga of south korea's golden couple of film. he, the film maker and she, the actor. i'm only on page 32 and it's evident this book should be itself made into a movie!
a new book begins for me; paul fischer's, a kim jong-il production. the book recounts the saga of south korea's golden couple of film. he, the film maker and she, the actor. i'm only on page 32 and it's evident this book should be itself made into a movie!
Saturday, September 26, 2015
silly saturday
silly saturday at the whimsey project! our day to share silliness to make us grin, giggle, guffaw!
a silly from twitter:
a silly from twitter:
Friday, September 25, 2015
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
whimsical wednesday
it's whimsical wednesday! today we are selecting a how it's made program on television. but we are watching with a twist. after selecting your program (i'll be watching HOW IT'S MADE), get comfortable. when the program begins, close your eyes. listen to how the item is made. afterwards, consider whether you "heard" more information listening than you would have watching! report your results to the whimsey project.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project. our day to share all manner of trivia; factual or experiential. bring it on!
from the oxford english dictionary (as read on twitter):
the word umbrella came to english from the italian ombrella which came from the latin umbra meaning shade.
i love words!
from the oxford english dictionary (as read on twitter):
the word umbrella came to english from the italian ombrella which came from the latin umbra meaning shade.
i love words!
Monday, September 21, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project. our day to share stuff we don't share the rest of the week. what say you on the topic of miscellaneous?
the turner classic movie channel plays often at mom's house. at my house as well, i must say. one aspect regarding viewing the old movies reveals the various styles of acting across time. the movies with sound that first followed silent films still contain many of the overly dramatic body movements and facial expressions. sometimes, watching those movies now, provokes laughter where none was intended. later, movies seem to have been influenced by stage acting. most of the movie entirely the same except on film instead of live. those are movies i enjoy as one can "watch" the entire movie without even looking at the screen. it's all in the dialogue. story time! do you have a favorite old movie? what is it? and why do you like it?
the turner classic movie channel plays often at mom's house. at my house as well, i must say. one aspect regarding viewing the old movies reveals the various styles of acting across time. the movies with sound that first followed silent films still contain many of the overly dramatic body movements and facial expressions. sometimes, watching those movies now, provokes laughter where none was intended. later, movies seem to have been influenced by stage acting. most of the movie entirely the same except on film instead of live. those are movies i enjoy as one can "watch" the entire movie without even looking at the screen. it's all in the dialogue. story time! do you have a favorite old movie? what is it? and why do you like it?
get ready.....
get ready for whimsical wednesday! there are lots of how to programs on television. one of my favorites is HOW IT'S MADE. a dude with a great voice narrates as video plays of various products being made in the factory. between now and wednesday look at your local television listings and select a time to settle down to a how to program. we'll watch it with a twist!
Sunday, September 20, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. what are you reading?
wadad makdisi cortas' a world i loved offered much history about a part of the world, the middle east, that i know very little about. reading about it from a personal perspective as opposed to a neutral narrative, brought her world to life vividly. worth the dollar i paid for it at the dollar store!
wadad makdisi cortas' a world i loved offered much history about a part of the world, the middle east, that i know very little about. reading about it from a personal perspective as opposed to a neutral narrative, brought her world to life vividly. worth the dollar i paid for it at the dollar store!
Saturday, September 19, 2015
silly saturday
Friday, September 18, 2015
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
whimsical wednesday
it's old movie day for whimsical wednesday. watch the movie of your choice made before 1960. perhaps you have a favorite you would like to watch again. maybe you are up to the adventure of something new to you. whatever you watch (mom and i will be watching turner classic movie channel) enjoy!
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all manner of trivia; experiential or factual! bring it on!!
according to the oxford english dictionary the word "macrosmatic" means having a well developed sense of smell.
according to the oxford english dictionary the word "macrosmatic" means having a well developed sense of smell.
Monday, September 14, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share stuff we don't share the rest of the week. what say you?
would you like to go to hell? you can! in michigan! follow the link to find out more from atlas obscura:
would you like to go to hell? you can! in michigan! follow the link to find out more from atlas obscura:
get ready.....
i'm still unwell so let's do an activity for whimsical wednesday that i can enjoy along with you. let's watch old movies; any movie made before 1960. i am particularly fond of old movies found on turner classic movies. how about you?
Sunday, September 13, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. share what you are reading today!
a new book begins for me: a world i loved by wadad makdisi cortas. the book is the memoir of her life in lebanon. thus far i have read the introduction and the first chapter. one of my fun finds (a non-fiction book tucked on the shelf at the dollar store), i am anxious to learn more about this country and culture.
a new book begins for me: a world i loved by wadad makdisi cortas. the book is the memoir of her life in lebanon. thus far i have read the introduction and the first chapter. one of my fun finds (a non-fiction book tucked on the shelf at the dollar store), i am anxious to learn more about this country and culture.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
silly saturday
silly saturday at the whimsey project! our day to share silly to make us grin, giggle, guffaw! awaiting your silliness!
ellen degeneres:
remember, you can do anything. and if you can't, you can probably watch someone else do it on youtube!
ellen degeneres:
remember, you can do anything. and if you can't, you can probably watch someone else do it on youtube!
Friday, September 11, 2015
Thursday, September 10, 2015
thoughtful thursday
dalai lama:
our prime purpose in life is the help others. if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.
our prime purpose in life is the help others. if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
whimsical wednesday
we're taking a fun art quiz for whimsical wednesday! it's published in a neat on-line magazine, slate.
take the quiz and share the results with the whimsey project. here's the link:
i have been slammed with an acute sinus infection. have no energy or thinking for games today. carry on without me, fellow wim-zees.
take the quiz and share the results with the whimsey project. here's the link:
i have been slammed with an acute sinus infection. have no energy or thinking for games today. carry on without me, fellow wim-zees.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all manner of trivia; experiential and factual. let's have the trivia!
my mother celebrates her 90th birthday this week. here's trivia from 1925 the year she was born:
*1925 in roman numerals is mcmxxv
*the grand old opry, initially called the wsm barn dance, was first broadcast on wsm radio in nashville, tennessee.
*the new yorker magazine first published.
*tea for two by marion harris was the number one hit song.
*nellie tayloe ross of wyoming became the first woman elected governor in the united states.
*mom born september 11, 1925. wanting a boy, her parents named her frances after her father and eugenia about her uncle eugene!
happy 90th birthday to you, mom!
my mother celebrates her 90th birthday this week. here's trivia from 1925 the year she was born:
*1925 in roman numerals is mcmxxv
*the grand old opry, initially called the wsm barn dance, was first broadcast on wsm radio in nashville, tennessee.
*the new yorker magazine first published.
*tea for two by marion harris was the number one hit song.
*nellie tayloe ross of wyoming became the first woman elected governor in the united states.
*mom born september 11, 1925. wanting a boy, her parents named her frances after her father and eugenia about her uncle eugene!
happy 90th birthday to you, mom!
Monday, September 7, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share stuff we don't pay attention to on the other days of the week. share your stuff!
here's eye popping papercrafting sculpture:
here's eye popping papercrafting sculpture:
get ready.....
get ready for whimsical wednesday! we're taking a fun art quiz! will post the link on wednesday!
Sunday, September 6, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book? what are you reading? share your book with the whimsey project!
bill bryson's a brief history of nearly everything is coming to an end. the chapter read today was about primates and man. the branch of the family that became modern man spread from africa throughout the world. and here we are!
bill bryson's a brief history of nearly everything is coming to an end. the chapter read today was about primates and man. the branch of the family that became modern man spread from africa throughout the world. and here we are!
Saturday, September 5, 2015
silly saturday
Friday, September 4, 2015
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
whimsical wednesday
whimsical wednesday at the whimsey project! our day to delve into whimsical activities. today's activity involves reading. select a book, magazine article or other reading material that you have not read before. close your eyes and randomly select a page to read. (no starting at the beginning!!) read the random page and share the results with the whimsey project! were you lost? confused? intrigued? enticed to read the entire work?
the book i selected was wordsworth classics, tales from shakespeare by mary and charles lamb. the book is for non-shakespeare readers, being in prose one can actually follow and understand! the first random page i selected and began reading was romeo and juliet. i knew that one too well to continue so i selected another page. this time the selection was macbeth. the king has come to visit macbeth at his home and lady macbeth is plotting the king's murder. she resolved to undertake the task as her husband could not be relieved upon to carry out the deed. the plot thickens! the page ended with half a sentence at a climatic point in the story. i just might have to keep reading!
the book i selected was wordsworth classics, tales from shakespeare by mary and charles lamb. the book is for non-shakespeare readers, being in prose one can actually follow and understand! the first random page i selected and began reading was romeo and juliet. i knew that one too well to continue so i selected another page. this time the selection was macbeth. the king has come to visit macbeth at his home and lady macbeth is plotting the king's murder. she resolved to undertake the task as her husband could not be relieved upon to carry out the deed. the plot thickens! the page ended with half a sentence at a climatic point in the story. i just might have to keep reading!
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all things trivial. experiential or factual, what say you?
the zipper. ever notice the YKK letters on zippers? YKK is an abbreviation for yoshida kyogo kabushikigaisha; the yoshida manufacturing shareholding company in kurobe, japan. to learn more about this amazing company follow the link to atlas obscura:
the zipper. ever notice the YKK letters on zippers? YKK is an abbreviation for yoshida kyogo kabushikigaisha; the yoshida manufacturing shareholding company in kurobe, japan. to learn more about this amazing company follow the link to atlas obscura:
Monday, August 31, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the stuff we don't share the rest of the week. you have stuff! bring it on!
slate, an online magazine, featured an article on the history of the word y'all. having grown up in the south, it offered great perspective. perhaps you'll enjoy learning about the origins of y'all too. link:
slate, an online magazine, featured an article on the history of the word y'all. having grown up in the south, it offered great perspective. perhaps you'll enjoy learning about the origins of y'all too. link:
get ready.....
get ready for whimsical wednesday! we're reading randomly. no preparation needed! more details wednesday.....
Sunday, August 30, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. what are you reading?
darwin was the topic of the chapter i read in bill bryson's a short history of nearly everything.
darwin was the topic of the chapter i read in bill bryson's a short history of nearly everything.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
silly saturday
silly saturday at the whimsey project! our day to share silliness to make us grin, giggle, guffaw! share your silly today!
from the oatmeal:
Q: what do calendars eat?
A: dates!
from the oatmeal:
Q: what do calendars eat?
A: dates!
Friday, August 28, 2015
Thursday, August 27, 2015
thoughtful thursday
john geddes:
each heart is made of a different stone;
no two feel alike or break the same way.....
each heart is made of a different stone;
no two feel alike or break the same way.....
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
whimsical wednesday
we're celebrating national hug month for whimsical wednesday! send a hug to someone far away. it can be a just because hug or a comfort hug or a hello hug. please send the hugs via the actual mail so the recipient will get the hug in the mailbox. however, if electronic hugs are your thing, send electronic hugs. report your whimsical wednesday activity to the whimsey project!
my hugs were written in letters and placed in the mailbox for the postal carrier to take away on their journey. one to a friend in indiana and one to a friend in massachusetts. and one for the mail carrier who is ever confused, it seems, by all our goofy mail!
my hugs were written in letters and placed in the mailbox for the postal carrier to take away on their journey. one to a friend in indiana and one to a friend in massachusetts. and one for the mail carrier who is ever confused, it seems, by all our goofy mail!
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the trivia; experiential or factual. bring on your trivial!
the takahe. a large, flightless bird native to new zealand. it was thought extinct until 1948 when it was rediscovered by geoffrey orbell. just one of the amazing tidbits read in a short history of nearly everything by bill bryson!
the takahe. a large, flightless bird native to new zealand. it was thought extinct until 1948 when it was rediscovered by geoffrey orbell. just one of the amazing tidbits read in a short history of nearly everything by bill bryson!
Monday, August 24, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share the stuff we don't share the rest of the week. you have stuff, miscellaneous. bring it on!
i have been around children more frequently of late. here's just a sampling of the questions they have asked me:
*can i come in your house to get warm? (it's summer and 90+ degrees!)
*do cats have a belly button?
*can we stay up all night?
*could you move that dog over there away from me?
*can we start a fire while you are gone? (the answer was no!)
*why do people have to die?
*can i have a bread sandwich? (three pieces held together and munched.)
*why are you so silly? i've never met an old person as silly as you are!
i have been around children more frequently of late. here's just a sampling of the questions they have asked me:
*can i come in your house to get warm? (it's summer and 90+ degrees!)
*do cats have a belly button?
*can we stay up all night?
*could you move that dog over there away from me?
*can we start a fire while you are gone? (the answer was no!)
*why do people have to die?
*can i have a bread sandwich? (three pieces held together and munched.)
*why are you so silly? i've never met an old person as silly as you are!
get ready.....
get ready for whimsical wednesday! it's national hug month. send someone you won't see a hug in the mail. be creative with your hug! (when i indicate mail, i mean an actual letter for the actual mailbox to be delivered by the post office. however, if you are more inclined, send a hug electronically).
Sunday, August 23, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. what are you reading? share with the whimsey project.
cells. i'm reading about cells in billy bryson's a short history of nearly everything. the amazing cells makes everything work in everything that lives.
cells. i'm reading about cells in billy bryson's a short history of nearly everything. the amazing cells makes everything work in everything that lives.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
silly saturday
silly saturday at the whimsey project! our day to share silliness to make us grin, giggle, guffaw! share your silly today!
from twitter. cheesy says:
i'm going to stand outside.
so if anyone asks,
i am outstanding!
from twitter. cheesy says:
i'm going to stand outside.
so if anyone asks,
i am outstanding!
Friday, August 21, 2015
Thursday, August 20, 2015
thoughtful thursday
w.s. merwin (via poets house):
i got up and left him then you know
though there was no where i had to go
and nothing i had to do.
i got up and left him then you know
though there was no where i had to go
and nothing i had to do.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
whimsical wednesday
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mr faucet! |
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ms mouse! |
mr fan! |
ms bottle! |
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share lots of trivia; experiential or factual. bring on the trivia!
from the oxford english dictionary:
a cruciverbalist is a crossword puzzle enthusiast!
from the oxford english dictionary:
a cruciverbalist is a crossword puzzle enthusiast!
Monday, August 17, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project. our day to share stuff we don't share the rest of the week. and besides, miscellaneous is a cool word so it warrants being featured. bring on your stuff.
the eight year old that i tutored during the summer returned to school this morning. a newly minted third grader. our final session was last week. during the summer she has worked at socializing the newborn kittens that scamper about outside. one has taken to her; she can hold it and play with it. she would bring it in the house while she had her lesson. after the lesson she would play with the kitten and house cats for awhile. she talked to me while she tending to kitties. friday she said:
her: did you know that cats have secrets?
me: no. i didn't know that cats have secrets! what kind of secrets do cats have?
her: nobody knows what kind of secrets cats have! they are secret!
now that school has begun my mornings will seem dull without such profound wisdom filling my ears.
the eight year old that i tutored during the summer returned to school this morning. a newly minted third grader. our final session was last week. during the summer she has worked at socializing the newborn kittens that scamper about outside. one has taken to her; she can hold it and play with it. she would bring it in the house while she had her lesson. after the lesson she would play with the kitten and house cats for awhile. she talked to me while she tending to kitties. friday she said:
her: did you know that cats have secrets?
me: no. i didn't know that cats have secrets! what kind of secrets do cats have?
her: nobody knows what kind of secrets cats have! they are secret!
now that school has begun my mornings will seem dull without such profound wisdom filling my ears.
get ready.....
get ready for whimsical wednesday! we're playing with googlie eyes! where do you find googlie eyes?! at the dollar store in the craft aisle. where are we going to place googlie eyes? on inanimate objects: rocks, doors, pillows, the side of the house by the doorbell. anywhere you want to put googlie eyes!
Sunday, August 16, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. what are you reading? share!
today's foray into bill bryson's a short history of nearly everything was all about the oceans. it's obviously vast. and very mysterious.
today's foray into bill bryson's a short history of nearly everything was all about the oceans. it's obviously vast. and very mysterious.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
silly saturday
silly saturday at the whimsey project! our day to share silliness to make us grin, giggle, guffaw! bring on the silly!
from punny pete (seen on facebook):
book worm named elle: you know how there's a theory that no two people see a color in the exact same way.
the wafflemonster: does that mean that color is like a pigment of the imagination?
from punny pete (seen on facebook):
book worm named elle: you know how there's a theory that no two people see a color in the exact same way.
the wafflemonster: does that mean that color is like a pigment of the imagination?
Friday, August 14, 2015
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
whimsical wednesday
we're playing with paint chips for whimsical wednesday! what are paint chips? those color cards with blocks of color on the in paint departments of a lot of stores. these are free for the taking. papercrafters have been taking advantage of such a treasure for awhile now; most likely to the chagrin of the paint departments' personnel! however, this art medium allows for the creation of clever art projects. what will you create with paint chips for whimsical wednesday? an album, a picture frame mat, a book cover, coasters, wall hanging? the possibilities are unlimited. share your creation with the whimsey project!
paint chips have come a long way. in the past they were nothing more than blocks of color on long, rectangular cardstock. today's paint chips are still like the earlier ones, however, some actually feature photos of items in the colors being shown. some are a mixture of paint blocks and photos. still others are larger cards with variations on a color. so much to choose from for crafting! the paint chips i used today for my paint chip project were all the cards available on the display case; featuring photos of items, such as fruit and flowers, in the colors being offered. with two of each card, i put the pairs back to back with double stick tape to create a two sided card. the completed two sided cards were bound together to make an album. the album might be used for photos that match the motif or pictures cut out of magazines to create mini collages. perhaps i'll put quotes on the cards. just getting the cards made into an album was fun for whimsical wednesday!
paint chips have come a long way. in the past they were nothing more than blocks of color on long, rectangular cardstock. today's paint chips are still like the earlier ones, however, some actually feature photos of items in the colors being shown. some are a mixture of paint blocks and photos. still others are larger cards with variations on a color. so much to choose from for crafting! the paint chips i used today for my paint chip project were all the cards available on the display case; featuring photos of items, such as fruit and flowers, in the colors being offered. with two of each card, i put the pairs back to back with double stick tape to create a two sided card. the completed two sided cards were bound together to make an album. the album might be used for photos that match the motif or pictures cut out of magazines to create mini collages. perhaps i'll put quotes on the cards. just getting the cards made into an album was fun for whimsical wednesday!
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all manner of trivia, experiential and factual. everyone has trivia! bring it on!
about this time every year the perseid meteor shower occurs, typically over a three day period. today is the day it begins for 2015. take time tonight to view nature's fireworks. here's a link for more information;
about this time every year the perseid meteor shower occurs, typically over a three day period. today is the day it begins for 2015. take time tonight to view nature's fireworks. here's a link for more information;
Monday, August 10, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the stuff we don't share any other day! got stuff to share? please do so.
follow the above link to a very interestingly unique art activity in canada. every year a canadian hot springs holds a freezing hair contest. the results will amaze!
follow the above link to a very interestingly unique art activity in canada. every year a canadian hot springs holds a freezing hair contest. the results will amaze!
get ready.....
paint chips! we're playing with paint chips for whimsical wednesday! a paint chip? those wee cards with color blocks displayed in the paint department of lots of stores. sneak a few or ten or two dozen and create something with them. ideas? picture frame mat. notebook cover. photo album. name tags. place cards for the table. artfully arranged, framed and hung in a place of honor! got ideas to share? please do so!
Sunday, August 9, 2015
solitude sunday
solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. any book will do, however, consider reading those books that have been sitting on the shelves for a long time.
bill bryson's a short history of nearly everything continues. the chapter i read today makes the case for why life on earth is possible. read like goldilocks and the three bears; not too hot, not too cold. not too close, not too far! but very important factors to make live as humans know it possible on earth.
bill bryson's a short history of nearly everything continues. the chapter i read today makes the case for why life on earth is possible. read like goldilocks and the three bears; not too hot, not too cold. not too close, not too far! but very important factors to make live as humans know it possible on earth.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
silly saturday
silly saturday at the whimsey project! our day to share silliness to make us grin, giggle, guffaw!
quote from something i read (my apologies for not remembering the source):
i did a theatrical performance about puns. really. it was just a play on words!
quote from something i read (my apologies for not remembering the source):
i did a theatrical performance about puns. really. it was just a play on words!
Friday, August 7, 2015
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
whimsical wednesday
it's weird sammies day for whimsical wednesday at the whimsey project! we are creating a weird sammie. we are remembering weird sammies. we are discussing weird sammies in the world. are you up to the challenge? bon appetit!
several restaurants are offering what can only be described as weird sammies. there's the most american burger that features a hamburger, a hot dog and potato chips with the usual toppings and condiments. there's the waffle sandwich with a choice of chicken, bacon, sausage or hot dogs. after the condiments are added, maple syrup is poured on. then there's the chicken chicken sandwich. this one uses two slabs of fried chicken instead of bread. the condiments and toppings are in between. in new york city, a resturant serves all manner of weird combinations on all manner of bread. the restaurant has a name but people just call it the weird sammie place.
for lunch i prepared a weird sammie for myself. on toasted italian bread i added:
*cream cheese
*orange marmalade
*cheddar cheese
*roasted sugared almonds, chopped
*thin slices of cantaloupe
it was surprisingly tasty fine. if i had had dried fruit, such as cherries or cranberries, that would have been added. maybe shredded carrots as well. perhaps next time. yes, i think i'll have another!
several restaurants are offering what can only be described as weird sammies. there's the most american burger that features a hamburger, a hot dog and potato chips with the usual toppings and condiments. there's the waffle sandwich with a choice of chicken, bacon, sausage or hot dogs. after the condiments are added, maple syrup is poured on. then there's the chicken chicken sandwich. this one uses two slabs of fried chicken instead of bread. the condiments and toppings are in between. in new york city, a resturant serves all manner of weird combinations on all manner of bread. the restaurant has a name but people just call it the weird sammie place.
for lunch i prepared a weird sammie for myself. on toasted italian bread i added:
*cream cheese
*orange marmalade
*cheddar cheese
*roasted sugared almonds, chopped
*thin slices of cantaloupe
it was surprisingly tasty fine. if i had had dried fruit, such as cherries or cranberries, that would have been added. maybe shredded carrots as well. perhaps next time. yes, i think i'll have another!
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
trivia tuesday
trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all manner of trivia; experiential or factual. bring on the trivia!
tucked under the brooklyn bridge in new york city is the oldest continuous serving restaurant and tavern in the city. it was established in 1794. i have seen it but, regrettably, didn't dine there. here's a link to the establishment:
tucked under the brooklyn bridge in new york city is the oldest continuous serving restaurant and tavern in the city. it was established in 1794. i have seen it but, regrettably, didn't dine there. here's a link to the establishment:
Monday, August 3, 2015
miscellaneous monday
miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the stuff we don't share during the rest of the week. miscellaneous? what say you!?
returning to the topic of brownies. i have been on a quest to bake something that will give the flavor of the almond joy candy bar. over the weekend, the first attempt was made to do just that. the change i made in the brownie recipe was to exchange coconut oil for vegetable oil. a cup of shredded coconut and a cup of chopped, toasted almonds were added to the batter. into the oven to be baked as usual. yum. the coconut flavor was more subtle that i would have liked. next attempt will include a touch of coconut oil flavoring. might even add chocolate chips. overall, the first batch of "almond joy" brownies was a success. any tips, hints, ideas? share!
returning to the topic of brownies. i have been on a quest to bake something that will give the flavor of the almond joy candy bar. over the weekend, the first attempt was made to do just that. the change i made in the brownie recipe was to exchange coconut oil for vegetable oil. a cup of shredded coconut and a cup of chopped, toasted almonds were added to the batter. into the oven to be baked as usual. yum. the coconut flavor was more subtle that i would have liked. next attempt will include a touch of coconut oil flavoring. might even add chocolate chips. overall, the first batch of "almond joy" brownies was a success. any tips, hints, ideas? share!
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