Wednesday, September 30, 2015

whimsical wednesday

it's journal day for whimsical wednesday! it's fun to keep different themed journals. if you don't have a journal, this whimsical wednesday is a good day to begin. you have lots of options:

*personal journal: writing for yourself about anything you wish.
*notable notebook: a journal to keep fun/neat stuff you encounter like quotes.
*special theme: i keep a farm journal which details life on my 40 acre farm.
*memory book: a journal in which to record random memories about anything.

perhaps you have an idea for a journal. if so, share with the whimsey project!


  1. throughout whimsical wednesday i wrote in all of my journals. there must have been a lot to say because it took a long time!

  2. Wow, awesome.
    I date and write a note about what is happening on the day I finish a color page in my coloring books.

    1. neat idea! that could be done on most anything. or we could be like dad. writes important stuff in a daily planner even when more important stuff could have been entered!
