Wednesday, October 14, 2015

whimsical wednesday

put on your mona lisa smile for whimsical wednesday! how do we do that? become conscience of a smile on your face. it need not be a grin or huge smile, just a tiny smile. pay attention to how you feel as well. does the mona lisa smile make you feel better? more positive? check in later and share your mona lisa smile experience with us.


  1. my mona lisa smile was present most of the day. i had to remind myself a few times to keep it in place. as i got into bed at the end of the day, i even had that tiny smile on as i fell asleep. the result? i was physically less tense and experienced a greater sense of calm. i'm keeping that smile!

  2. I always feel better when I remember to smile!

  3. I smiled at the people in line at Walmart, they couldn't help but smile back!
