we're celebrating national chocolate covered everything day for whimsical wednesday! cover something unusual with chocolate today! [recipe for simple chocolate coating: for each one cup of chocolate chips add one tablespoon of real butter or shortening. melt in microwave for about one minute. stir to melt remaining chocolate bits. also, cover a cookie sheet or tray with foil. butter or spray foil so food won't stick.] what did you cover in chocolate for whimsical wednesday? share!
this morning i was up early and in the kitchen. i covered several morsels with dark chocolate chips. i also made homemade "almond joy" bark. there was enough chocolate left over so i dipped half of already baked coconut macaroons. photo of morsels covered in chocolate:
l to r: bacon, crackers, cookies, corn chips, coconut, cereal, peppermints, apple chips and sweet potato chips. more cookies on other tray. |
yum, can't have too much chocolate
ReplyDeletewhimsical wednesday was shared with friends. with them i shared the morsels covered in chocolate. we taste tested and decided on what we enjoyed and didn't enjoy so much. favorites included: bacon, apple chip, coconut chip, cereal. not so much favorites included: cracker, tortilla chip, sweet potato chip. the rest was good too just not most favorite. it was fun to share chocolate covered everything day!