we're playing history detectives for whimsical wednesday. the catalyst? a product from the kitchen that has the company's founding date on the package. for example, kikkoman soy sauce since 1066. after the date has been determined, do a web search of web search for events that happened in that year (1066 in our example).
in my kitchen cupboard i grabbed a bag of chocolate chips. the brand is ghirardelli. according to the banner on the package, the ghirardelli chocolate company was founded in 1852. my history searched focused on that year, 1852. here's what i learned:
*1852 was a leap year.
*uncle tom's cabin by harriett beecher stowe was published.
*the netherlands issued postage stamps for the first time.
*napoleon became emperor of france.
*the uncle sam cartoon made his debut in the new york lantern weekly.
*roget's thesaurus, first edition, was published.
*both loyola college (america) and university of sydney (australia) were founded.
*the flaked cereal industry began with john kellogg's corn flakes.
*emma snodgrass was arrested in boston for wearing pants!
what history did you discover looking in your kitchen cupboards or refrigerator this whimsical wednesday?
Mom's kitchen and pantry is one big history lesson.
ReplyDeleteThe most interesting is a bottle of Karo syrup---dated 1976!
And, it doesn't even have any mold in it! Amazing, though I don't plan on cooking with it. hahahahaha
you couldn't use it anyway! that would be like going into a museum and raiding an exhibit!