Tuesday, April 15, 2014

trivia tuesday

trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! share any and all categories of trivia:  not something you see every day, a person's name that matches their profession, unusual experiences, fun facts, whatever you've got! share!

NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY! living in the country, on an isolated 40 acres, there are no curtains on the windows of the house.  one very early morning, as dawn was just breaking, i was in bed. suddenly i had the feeling that something was looking at me!  i turned my head to look out the window. there was something looking at me! a deer was standing close to the house and peering through the window at me!


  1. A magazine I read is celebrating their 20th year in April. They quoted some trivia in the magazine.
    Technology: 1994 2014
    Number of websites 10,000 634 million
    Internet users 25 million 2.4 billion
    Mobile phone users 54.9 million 5 billion
    Google searches per year 0 1.2 trillion

    We've come a long way in 20 years!

    1. wow! what a technological shift in 20 years! the last factoid cracked me up: zero google searches! (of course ONLY a trillion is rather surprising)!

  2. In my town there is a guy named Barry Barbour. And his profession? You guessed it - he's a barber.

    1. a barber named barbour! that's excellent!

  3. A deer peeping tom!
    Did he say hi--I would love a cup of tea?

    1. no. but had he asked i would have given him a cup of tea!
