Tuesday, April 8, 2014

trivia tuesday

trivia tuesday at the whimsey project!  our day to share all manner of trivia; unusual experiences, interesting facts, stuff to laugh about.  share your trivia today!

last whimsical wednesday was children's books day.  my favorite children's book was pippi longstockings by astrid lindgren. curious about the origins of the story, i read about pippi on the net.  in the old swedish language her name was pippi langstrump.  pippi meant quirky! her full name was pippilotta delicatessa windowshade mackrelmint ephraim's daughter langstrump.


  1. Well, I forgot today was trivia Tuesday. Was expecting Not Something You see Everyday. So, going to share anyway!
    Yesterday morning when I opened the front drapes, there was a little squirrel with a nut in his mouth darting here and there in the yard. He would stop and sniff (I guess) and then run some more. Finally, he found a spot near the driveway he likes. He dug a hole, dropped his nut in and proceeded to fill the hole. But, he wasn't done. He used his little hands to pat the dirt down then pulled a gumball over that was near and positioned it just so over his buried nut. It was fun to watch him be so particular in taking care of his nut!

    1. a fun experience to observe! i really enjoy catching animals do what they do. (by the way, tuesday is now trivia so that all manner of facts and experiences can be shared, including not something you see every day)
