Wednesday, March 14, 2018

whimsical wednesday

listen! we listen for whimsical wednesday. all day, every day there are sounds and noises all around us. others make the sounds, we make the sounds, objects make sounds. how much do we pay attention to all this sound? for whimsical wednesday we will pay attention to sound. all day long. at the end of the day, what sound caught your attention the most? what sound did you particularly enjoy? share your experiences with the whimsey project.


  1. Ice maker, washing machine, TV. click of the light switch, cabinet doors open and closing, tick of a clock, tapping on the keyboard, birds chirping at feeder.
    Favorite sound--birdies at the feeder.

    1. birds at the feeder would be my favorite as well.

  2. it's thursday and i'm still hearing sounds due to yesterday's exercise in heightened awareness. it's good and it's not depending on the sound. my favorite sound on whimsical wednesday came early in the day: the soft crunching of my feet over frosted grass. i also liked hearing the song of a new-to-me bird, the rusty blackbird. when there was silence i was acutely aware of that. sounded like the ocean in a large seashell!

  3. Another interesting sound that we have in our area is the whirl of a wind tunnel! Sounds like a jet engine.
