Monday, April 30, 2018

miscellaneous monday

one of the happiest events of spring is the return of the hummingbirds. our feeders are new this year. we made sure to get the feeders that have perches. the birds seem to like the perches as they are able to rest while they dine. having had a feeder with a perch previously, it has been our experience that the birds linger when they have a place to alight. we hung our feeders by the dining room windows friday evening. saturday, while eating lunch, we looked up and there they were! the hummingbirds were having lunch too. the three that visit on a regular basis have returned. we are watching for more. observing the hummingbirds and the other birds that come to the farm never grows boring or tiresome. each sighting is a delightful, whimsical surprise.  do you feed hummingbirds and the other birds? what is your favorite, if you have one?


  1. That was such a cool sight to see during lunch! We have had some baby birds on our porch steps and that is quite fun to see - their giant eyeballs and ruffled feathers.

    1. it was an awesome lunchtime experience! baby birds are so funny. ugly cute in the best way possible.

  2. My hummingbird feeders aren't out yet, but soon to be.
    I had an Indigo Bunting at the feeder this past week. He was absolutely gorgeous! Hoping he returns for another meal!

    1. your hummers will be pleased when dinner is served! indigo buntings are so beautiful. it's always a pleasure to see one.

  3. My favs are the cardinals--I have a pair I have named Herb and Fran. The doves also crack me up, they each have their own personality and there is a true pecking order! They sit under the pine tree waiting for the feeder to be filled, then they waddle over to enjoy!

    1. perfect names for a cardinal pair. the female cardinal is my favorite. and the doves are funny. so funny. they do waddle, don't they!?
