Wednesday, November 1, 2017

whimsical wednesday

there's a project known as reverse advent calendar. the goal is to put a non-perishable food item in a box each day of advent. just before christmas, the food is given to a food bank or a family or what is most logical for individual participants.

for whimsical wednesday we will begin our reverse advent calendar. it's a month earlier than advent actually begins. that is so we can offer support for thanksgiving as well as christmas if we so choose. today we'll secure a large box for actual food items or a small box, bank or other container for money. you decide which route you wish to take. every day either put a food item in the large box or a predetermined amount of money in the small box. if every day is inconvenient, do it weekly. of course it's always possible to just gather food or cash on one day and offer it to a chosen outlet. however, that defeats the spirit of the reverse advent calendar as the advent calendar is a daily activity.

along with determining the need for a large box or a small box, think of the options you have for donating your offerings.  maybe do a bit of sleuthing to find out what organizations make care packages for the holidays. perhaps you belong to an organization that has holiday outreach and will contribute to your "home" organization. food is a logical offering, however, if you want to do otherwise, there's also need for christmas gifts; toys, books, clothing, etc.

do your thinking and planning about your participation in the reverse advent calendar and report your selection(s) to the whimsey project for whimsical wednesday. at intervals we'll discuss our reverse advent calendar activity progress on miscellaneous monday. i'm looking forward to your participation as well as my own!


  1. my process for the reverse advent calendar will be a bank (jar with lid). i will put a dollar a day in the bank. in a week that is seven dollars. i spend more on one lunch out with friends! i have a few organizations in mind for giving my reverse advent calendar proceeds to.

  2. This is awesome. We have a dignity program at one of the churches that gives personal care and paper products to those who cannot use their programs to buy such items. This would be a good resource for me to donate to.
