Tuesday, August 30, 2016

trivia tuesday

trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the trivia; experiential or factual. bring on the trivia!

a grouping of one species in the animal world has many different labels. for example, a group of owls is a parliament; a group of wombats is a wisdom.  go figure!


  1. 1920 woman were finally able to vote. Tennessee became the 36th state to approve the 19th amendment giving every citizen the right to vote regardless of gender.

  2. Mom and I were shopping for material a few days ago. We cam across several bolts together that were giraffe prints. Mom wondered what the plural of giraffe was. I didn't know. Your post made me wonder. It is..... giraffe or giraffes. Not nearly as imaginative as whoever named groups of owls or wombats. Oh well. They are still one of my favorite zoo animals
