Monday, June 22, 2015

miscellaneous monday

there's only so much time in a day, week, month, year. time is filled with musts and these have to be addressed.  but how many musts are there really?  recently i decided that the limitations of time and body alone influenced how much a person can accomplish.  my solution to these limitations? eat dessert first!  (not literally, although that sounds good too.) instead of giving the best of myself to all the musts, i have been altered my daily routine. the pressing chores like feeding the fur will be occur. thereafter, i sit down to work on art projects. the table is strewn with projects and supplies. i don't put it away. i want to be able to sit down and immediately create. if the table is needed for another purpose like eating a meal, the supplies get moved to the side. after focusing on art projects for awhile, i'm actully more ready (and willing) to attend to some of the chores. allowing myself the freedom to do create on my terms has done wondered for my art and my person.


  1. Excellent. I'm ready to start doing things too. Been too long since I've been in the craft room. Expressed that just yesterday!

  2. Great idea. I think I have been living in a similar fashion for awhile. However, I do let the "chores" of life get the better of me sometimes. Maybe it's time to reprioritize!

    1. yes! tune-ups are as good for us as they are for our cars!
