miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the miscellaneous stuff. why? because i like spelling and saying the word miscellaneous. and it seems a good topic for the whimsey project. share your miscellaneous today.
the kittens are growing! romping around, curious, about everything in sight. we are enjoying their antics. last week two more kittens appeared. mama thought it was time to bring them near the source of food other than herself. thus far all but one kitten is a ginger. the remaining one is black. if it's not the kittens munching cat food, it's the raccoons. at least seven of them; five kits and their parents. the single tom turkey has become two as turkey one has been bringing a buddy around to eat cracked corn. deer as well, babies and moms. you'd think this farm was a restaurant!
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