Wednesday, April 22, 2015

whimsical wednesday

it's garden planning time for whimsical wednesday!  today we are thinking about gardens, any type, large or small, container or huge plot of earth.  design a flower garden, look at seed catalogues, seek out new plants to enjoy.  whatever gardening activity you choose, enjoy the whimsey of gardening. share your gardening activity at the whimsey project!

we are currently redoing the house foundation landscaping.  the look is minimalist and sculptural; featuring succulent and grass plants, stones and special features. much time was devoted to looking in gardening catalogues and on line for succulents and ground covers.  my head is swimming from all the varieties and choices i reviewed.  now we have to decide what to purchase!


  1. Use lots of Hens/Chickens!
    I'm saving and having mom save her coffee grounds to put around her roses--even used grounds are supposed to be good for the plants.

    1. coffee grounds are good! so are hens/chicks!
