Wednesday, April 1, 2015

whimsical wednesday

whimsical wednesday should be a busy day! we are celebrating the birthday of sliced bread (1954). also, it's also national fun day. fun day can be described by a word i recently learned:  gammock! gammock means a piece of fun, a game, a jest, a frolic, antics or tricks.  perhaps this is from which april fool's day originated. have a fun day with sliced bread and a game or frolic or antics. we'll leave tricks to others.  share your fun with the whimsey project!


  1. the day began with sliced bread cinnamon toast. before consuming i sang a silent happy birthday to sliced bread. my sister will be here at mom's later today. i have a game planned. film at eleven!

  2. so my sister arrived. after she got settled we were in the den at the table crafting. i told her we had a game to play for whimsical wednesday. a wee orange pumpkin would be hidden in plain sight somewhere in the house by one and the other would find it. her response? it's right there on the shelf behind you! sigh.... it was because that's where i "hid" it for her. since she "found" it, it was her turn to hide the pumpkin. we played that all day. we had such fun we decided to continue to play. it's my turn to find it!

  3. hidden in plain sight was the hardest.
