Tuesday, July 1, 2014

trivia tuesday

trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share lots of trivia! we have categories:
*NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY!  gobsmacking experiences.
*YOU DID NOT! experiences you tell others about and they don't believe you.
*i read somewhere...   neat stuff read who knows where.
*internet fun.  stuff from the internet.
*what's in a name?  a person's surname matches their profession.
*general trivia.
*your category.  got something new to add to our trivia categories? share!

everyone expects to see birds when peeking out the window to the bird feeder. however, to peek out the window to observe the bird feeder only to find a turkey and deer munching at the same time is an entirely unexpected event.  NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY!

share your trivia with the whimsey project!


  1. Both my husband and son read the same facts on a website last week and proceeded to tell me about them. Apparently mosquitoes prefer people with type "O" blood. They told me this because mosquitoes just love me, way more than anyone else in the family. Only problem: I have type "A" blood. My husband who is type "O" blood hardly ever gets bites. Wonder whether the facts in this article are true or whether we are just the family that defies the odds!

    1. definitely the blood type theory must be faulty! as one who gets chewed on by every possible insect that can get to me, i can relate!

  2. After the last two years of either record heat or record rain, we had a July 4th that was cool and clear enough to have to wear a light jacket!
    We enjoyed an awesome fireworks display with gorgeous weather!
    Not something you get everyday/year!
