Tuesday, July 8, 2014

trivia tuesday

trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all manner of trivia. we have categories:

*NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY! gobsmacking, unusual experiences.
*YOU DID NOT! experiences shared with others and they don't believe you.
*what's in a name? a person's surname matches their profession.
*i read somewhere....   interesting stuff read but can't remember where.
*internet fun.  neat stuff seen on the internet.
*general trivia.
*your category.  start a new trivia category for trivia tuesday!

in the YOU DID NOT! category:  saturday i made more than one hundred postcards in a single afternoon!


  1. Surely you DID NOT make that many postcards! ha

    Not something you see everyday--having to wear a jacket to the 4th of July Fireworks.

    1. i did! and it is unusual to need a jacket on the fourth of july to watch fireworks. we needed a jacket here as well!
