Wednesday, January 19, 2011

whimsical wednesday!

it's so very cold and a winter storm warning alerts that ice and snow will cover the area later today.  what could be more promising as a sign of the coming spring then to plant seeds, the activity for this whimsical wednesday.  thinking there was the odd packet or two of flower seeds laying about somewhere in the house, there was no effort to purchase any while in town on monday.  when looking for said packet(s) this morning none but evergreen tree seeds could be found.  wow!  why not, i thought?  i've never attempted to grow a tree of any type from a seed before.  out came the throwaway cup, potting soil and a pen.  my name was printed on the cup, potting soil then filled the cup, a small depression poked in the center of the soil, the seed (the largest one in the packet) dropped in, the soil smoothed over the seed, a bit of water sprinkled on the soil and the cup placed in the window.  there.  my participation in whimsical wednesday complete.  however, the involvement will continue for each day there will be the need to nurture the wee seed with more water and turning the cup and looking closely for signs of life sprouting from the seed beneath the soil.  i am hopeful the wee seed will soon be a wee  seedling.  should the seed manage to germinate and survive to a viable size, how wonderful it will be to plant my whimsical evergreen tree somewhere on the farm.

1 comment:

  1. the wee evergreen tree seed got a drink of water and a day full of sun saturday. it's very hopeful to be nurturing a seed amid the ice, cold and snow of winter.
