Wednesday, November 6, 2019

whimsical wednesday

it's connections day for whimsical wednesday! the first wednesday of every month is dedicated to making connections with others. connections can be made in any way that suits the people involved: call, text, write and mail a card or letter, visit, go on an adventure with others, invite family or friends for dinner, tea, dessert. enjoy and share your connections with the whimsey project.

besides a few of the above activities, i will be working on my holiday greeting cards. since i make my holiday greeting cards, it's none too soon to begin.


  1. while i was crafting my holiday cards, someone connected with me! a long time friend, who lives in another state, called! it was grand to be able to say hello and catch up. her call made my day!

    1. I forgot to include another special connection! I got my diy postcards ready to mail for ihanna's international swap; seven to others in america and three to other countries.
