we're making homemade sprinkles for whimsical wednesday!
here's a link to three versions of the baking delight:
make sprinkles and share your experience with the whimsey project!
*wednesday afternoon...
my homemade sprinkles have been made. having no piping bag i improvised with sandwich baggies. there wasn't a lot of control with this method but it worked well enough. some of the lines were too thick. the thinner lines dried quickly but the thicker ones took more than a few hours to dry. once the lines were broken up the sprinkles were decent. store bought sprinkles are so small i have never actually tasted them. i sampled a large piece of the homemade sprinkles; it tasted like cotton candy. the sprinkles will be stored in an air tight container until such time as a baking opportunity arises to use them. yes, i will use them. after all, i made them!
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