Wednesday, May 15, 2019

whimsical wednesday

it's may and may has five wednesdays! in months with five wednesdays we write in our journals for whimsical wednesday. what journals do we write in? what journals do you keep or would like to keep? if you don't keep a journal this whimsical wednesday is a great day to begin. your journals should be as unique as you are. by way of example of what you might consider these are the journals i keep:
*a notable notebook in which to record random interesting stuff like facts or quotes or ideas.
*a memory notebook in which to record random memories from my life and those in my life (because i don't want any great memory to escape me i keep a running list of memories as they come to mind).
*a themed journal. i write about life on my farm.
*a personal journal.
*a whimsical moments notebook in which to record a daily moment that really caught my attention or made me laugh or was particularly thought provoking. 

1 comment:

  1. all my journals save the notable notebook received entries. whimsical wednesday is not yet over so something of note may still present itself to be recorded in the notable notebook.
