Thursday, May 30, 2019

thoughtful thursday

andy warhol:

i think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anyone could ever want to own. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

whimsical wednesday

consider participating in tammy garcia's annual ICAD "index card a day" summer art challenge. it begins june 1st so for whimsical wednesday we will read, consider, prepare! one needs no special artistic skills to participate; just a willingness to explore what a simple daily art challenge has to offer.  i have participated for several years and it is most enjoyable. my index cards have varied from very complex to very simple as time and inclination have allowed. the process is both rewarding and artistically liberating. follow the link to ICAD:

i have read the website and i have all 61 index cards dated and labeled, except for the daily prompt; which will be added to each day's card. 

are you participating in tammy garcia's ICAD this summer? share your process with the whimsey project.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

trivia tuesday

from @omgfacts:

the average cumulus cloud weighs about the same as 100 elephants.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

solitude sunday

solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. i am reading anne goldgar's tulipmania: money, honor and knowledge in the dutch golden age. 

Saturday, May 25, 2019

silly saturday

from @omgfacts:

it's illegal to keep an ice cream cone in your back pocket on sundays in the state of georgia.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

thoughtful thursday

soyen shaku:

have the fearless attitude of a hero and the loving heart of a child.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

whimsical wednesday

my great nephew declared to his parents that "a box fell over and all the giggles spilled out!". that had me thinking that it would be a great idea for us to create a secure box for our giggles. find a box with a tight lid, perhaps a tin. decorate said container. be sure to label it "giggles" so everyone knows to treat it with care. proudly display your giggle box in a prominent place in your home. and add giggles to it regularly. 

through the alchemy of a simple cardboard box, stickers (which cover all sides of the box), washi tape and paper..... behold! my giggle box. (should the mayor see the box and wish to take possession, it shall be his!)

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

trivia tuesday

from quite interesting @qikipedia:

the more a wedding costs, the more likely the couple will get divorced.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Sunday, May 19, 2019

solitude sunday

solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. my book is lion. written by saroo brierley, it is his incredible story of being lost at the age of five and being found 25 years later.  

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

whimsical wednesday

it's may and may has five wednesdays! in months with five wednesdays we write in our journals for whimsical wednesday. what journals do we write in? what journals do you keep or would like to keep? if you don't keep a journal this whimsical wednesday is a great day to begin. your journals should be as unique as you are. by way of example of what you might consider these are the journals i keep:
*a notable notebook in which to record random interesting stuff like facts or quotes or ideas.
*a memory notebook in which to record random memories from my life and those in my life (because i don't want any great memory to escape me i keep a running list of memories as they come to mind).
*a themed journal. i write about life on my farm.
*a personal journal.
*a whimsical moments notebook in which to record a daily moment that really caught my attention or made me laugh or was particularly thought provoking. 

Monday, May 13, 2019

miscellaneous monday

want a road trip in your near future but don't know where to go? just want to enjoy armchair travel by reading about interesting places to visit? this mental floss article is just the remedy:

Sunday, May 12, 2019

solitude sunday

solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. my book is pen and palate. written by lucy madison and tram nguyen, this memoir is about two friends navigating adulthood through writing and cooking. interspersed throughout the narrative are family recipes from both authors, food of their growing up years. 

Thursday, May 9, 2019

thoughtful thursday

byron katie:

true generosity happens without any awareness of being generous.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

whimsical wednesday

we are preparing for mother's day this whimsical wednesday! suggestions? make and send cards, put together a basket of useful items selected just for the mom in your life, remember someone who is like a mom to you, select a memorial to an organization you like to honor a deceased mom, gather up children and help them make gifts for their mothers, support mothers with small children by offering a day of childcare, visit a (grand)mother at home or who might be in a nursing home or hospital!  

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Monday, May 6, 2019

miscellaneous monday

let's take a peek into our whimsical moments notebook! what is a whimsical moments notebook? any notebook, calendar, index card, recording system devised in which to scribble one daily moment that really made you laugh, smile, think, took you by surprise. periodically we review our whimsical moments on miscellaneous monday. today i will share a moment recorded may 1st: "a flower was in the grocery cart pulled for use at kroger." it was a surprise and it was may day, the day of flowers! share a whimsical moment from your notebook. if you do not keep a whimsical moments notebook, today is a great day to begin.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

solitude sunday

solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. i am reading erik larson's thunderstruck. in this book, larson weaves murder and invention in the early 20th century. as with the other larson books i have read, this one enthralls as he pulls the reader into the story so completely one actually feels involved. 

Saturday, May 4, 2019

silly saturday

from @qikipedia:

FLENCH: when it looks like the weather will improve and then... never does.  

Thursday, May 2, 2019

thoughtful thursday

laozi, tao to ching, chapter 64:

a tower of nine stories begins with a pile of dirt.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

whimsical wednesday

it's the first of may and our monthly "connect with others" day. perhaps, since it's also may day, your connections with others might include may baskets! or if you are sending card/letters, use a basket and floral motif; perhaps handmade.