Monday, December 17, 2018

miscellaneous monday

my favorite holiday activity is participating in a cookie exchange. i did so for several years until that group disbanded. a few years passed without a cookie exchange and i missed it. this year that changed when i began a new cookie exchange! our gathering was saturday the fifteenth. everyone who was invited to participate did so eagerly. we enjoyed lunch (my nephew smoked the meat for the pulled pork and it was awesome!) and sitting around the fireplace talking and laughing and having a wonderful time.  and such a variety of cookies! soooooo many cookies! amazingly no one baked chocolate chip! we laughed about that. my cookies are given as christmas gifts so there's a bounty to share this year. everyone agreed the cookie exchange will be a new holiday tradition.  


  1. My sugar quota has been met! Fun times!

    1. it was fun times! i'm looking forward to cookie exchange 2019!

  2. Excellent fun! You were very proactive about pursuing something you love and made it fun for you and others! Wonderful idea!

    1. it was excellent fun. and it was all the better because, as you said, it was proactive and i just did it. that's the best part for me; i just did it.
