Monday, July 31, 2017

miscellaneous monday

after seven years of posting on the whimsey project blog, it became iffy regarding memory of photographs posted. over the weekend i browsed through the pictures to determine how well i did posting by memory. overall, memory held well. only two photographs were posted twice. along with looking, i wrote a list of photos used, especially about lil mouse. a revelation about lil mouse; i didn't realize how early in the whimsey project that lil mouse came along. also, it was interesting to see how the novice blogger changed over time with the adjustments of blog features and the acquisition of a camera!  even though there's a camera on the phone, a real camera is preferred.  and after seven of blogging about the whimsey project, it is still an enjoyable endeavor.


  1. excellent! always something new to learn.
    I had to change to pix on my ipad, then send to my email,
    download and then post pix. A bit of work, but pix add so much to the blog.

    1. until i got a camera and before i had a phone that took photos, i had to look for photos on the internet. that was fine but the desire for more personal photographs pushed me forward.
