Monday, May 8, 2017

miscellaneous monday

miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the stuff we don't share the rest of the week. bring on the miscellaneous.

follow the link to see amazing paintings of music by an artist that has synethesia. synethesia is an amazing condition of how the brain can be wired that joins the senses together. awesome!


  1. Very interesting. I just finished David Baldacci's new book. The main character has a form of synethesia (which I had not heard of until reading the first book this character was in). His takes the form that he sees colors that represent certain aspects of life. The one most talked about is dying or death. A person that is dying has blue around them. Someone that has died is a brillant blue.
    This is interesting in that she is a real live person with this and sees the colors related to music. Really cool! Would have liked to see a painting relating to a classical piece.

    1. how neat. it's comforting that death was in blues, not black. oliver sacks, the noted neurologist, penned a ook about synethesia; THE MAN WHO TASTED SHAPES. it is an awesome book in that dr sacks presents case studies to help explain the condition.
