we're whacking for whimsical wednesday! a neat process using nature and a few household items. gather:
*something to cover the work surface like an old tablecloth, newspaper
*a board to whack on (or you can do it outside on the concrete)
*a small hammer
*clean piece of paper
*a piece of waxed paper (butcher or freezer paper works but you can see through the waxed paper)
*gathered leaves, flowers intact or as petals.
lay out the cover for the work surface.
next place the board.
on the board, the piece of paper.
lay flowers intact or as petals and leaves on the paper.
cover with wax paper.
whack with moderate force on the foliage.
the foliage should dye the paper with what is released from the plant when whacking it.
let it dry.
put it in a frame.
cut out to use as a greeting card.
hang it on the refrigerator.
share your whacking with the whimsey project!
a sample of our whacking handiwork! |