Tuesday, March 22, 2016

trivia tuesday

trivia tuesday at the whimsey project. our day to share all the trivia; experiential or factual. what say you?

it's spring! it's nearing easter! it's peeps season! what about peeps, those yellow marshmallow chicks? according to usa today and mental floss peeps offers interesting trivia:
*peeps are made in bethlehem, pennsylvania.
*it takes 27 hours to make a peep.
*for more than two decades, peeps have been the favorite non-chocolate easter candy treat, with 1.5 billion eaten each spring.
*not everyone likes peeps. there are facebook pages dedicated to those who dislike peeps.
*peeps lip gloss is a thing.


  1. Oh my , Peeps. I think they have a shelf life of like forever. Found some the kids had hidden many years later! LOL LOL

  2. Ah, no. They found their way to the trashcan! ha

    1. oh! poor peeps. (of which i do not eat!)

  3. I love peeps! I can only eat so many tho before getting sugar overload.
    One year, at Christmas I think, I found some peppermint peeps (obviously not in the shape of a bunny!) that somehow had some chocolate on them. Dipped maybe, can't remember as it was several years ago. Oh my!!! They were so GOOOOODDD!!!

    1. yay! a peeps fan! do you prefer the original yellow ones?

  4. The regular peeps taste the same no matter which color, but I DO like to eat the original yellow. Who knows why. Maybe childhood memories.....

  5. The regular peeps taste the same no matter which color, but I DO like to eat the original yellow. Who knows why. Maybe childhood memories.....
