Wednesday, July 29, 2015

whimsical wednesday

whimsical wednesday at the whimsey project! our day to engage in activity! today we are catching up on our writing. to review we have many writing opportunities:
*a themed journal: writing about a particular subject. i keep a farm journal.
*a personal journal: your thoughts.
*a memory book: a place for random memories.
*a notable notebook: ideas, quotes, stuff you want to hang onto; miscellaneous.
writing on a regular basis is a good idea.  it keeps the words flowing.  seize opportunities! if something comes to mind write it down; even if that means jotting notes on the nearest piece of paper and then writing in the journal. nothing is too dumb to include.  if it matters to you, it matters. if you don't keep any of these journals, whimsical wednesday is a great day to begin!

throughout today i will be writing in all of the journals above. some just to visit and others to catch up on recent events.


  1. I gave mom a decorated journal/notebook to add names she would like to invite to her 90th birthday bash!
