whimsical wednesday at the whimsey project! today we are going on a button treasure hunt to celebrate national button week. look around the house, the car, in pockets, everywhere for stray buttons. find any interesting or unusual ones? any from clothing you especially remember? button! button! who's got the button! tell us about what you discovered on your button treasure hunt!
it's still early, however, i've done a quick sweep of mom's house. thus far i have found eighteen (on march 18th) buttons. one is metal with a crest motif. that one must have come from a coat. i'll keep looking throughout the day as there's got to be more stray buttons in this house. the hunt continues.....
I started on a flower kit and discovered clear buttons--used to make the centers of some of the flowers!
DeleteAlso remembered I have a button embossing folder! Need to get that out and use it!