Wednesday, December 10, 2014

whimsical wednesday

whimsical wednesday at the whimsey project. it's look-where-we-haven't-in-awhile day. check out a drawer, closet, attic, garage, room, container, under a bed, wherever.  no doubt you have forgotten at least part of what's in the space/container you select. what did you find? what surprises the most? maybe you'll find treasures!


  1. I have looked in several places today trying to find a CD I ordered and received before Thanksgiving for a Christmas gift. Haven't found it yet. Hoping it will surface but wasn't in the closet, other closet, extra bedroom. Hmmm......where else to look

  2. It's hiding! Hope it comes out soon!

  3. no cd but, no doubt, found plenty you weren't looking for while looking for the cd!

  4. my project was a basket in which i throw everything that i don't know what else to with it. wow! was it packed with stuff. the jackpot was finding postage stamps. lots of them!

  5. that's almost better than finding cash!
