Thursday, November 14, 2013

thoughtful thursday

a few days ago, my sweet wee doggie, waif, walked over and stood next to my chair. she looked up at me as she raised herself on her hind legs, beseeching me to pick her up.  i obliged and she sat on my lap, allowing me to stroke her and talk to her for quite some time.  this would not seem unusual to anyone who loves dogs. however, this is the first time waif has done this in the few years she has lived with me.  while i was pleased about her want for my company, it caused me to wonder why this moment for such an interaction. regardless of why, she choose a particularly poignant time to initiate closeness.

people are amazed at the love and closeness of inter-species relationships, like a giant turtle and a goose being inseparable.  we humans are amazed but we rarely take notice that, with our dogs and cats, we also have inter-species relationships. the love and closeness we feel with and for our animals makes them a member of the family.  when we experience the loss of these very loved family members, a huge gap is left in our hearts and in our homes.  perhaps waif sensed that i was experiencing sadness when she came to me; sadness for friends who recently lost their beloved dogs.

waif and i send love to all who love special animal(s) and we honor the memory of those animals who have left our company.  our lives are enriched because of them.


  1. Thank you for this lovely thought. Yes, our furry friends truly do become part of our family. The loss of one leaves a huge hole in our lives. The hard edges around those holes are only softened by time.

    1. softened by time and the love of family, friends and our other furry friends.
