Tuesday, September 3, 2013

not something you see every day!

if it's tuesday it's NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY! at the whimsey project.  share your witty, charming, unique experiences with us!  


  1. not something you see every day?! on your property at the same time, a veritable zoo: one woodchuck, four raccoons, three deer, two turkeys, eight ducks and one huge heron! (not to mention all the birds, fish, cats and dogs.....)

  2. Yesterday while driving on the interstate, we saw a gal riding a motorcycle. She was barefoot!!!
    Not something you see everyday and also not very smart and in our opinion, dangerous!

    1. yikes! not a good NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY! hopefully none of us will see that again! absolutely dangerous!
