Saturday, March 23, 2013


oh, it's more springlike everyday.  last week a single daffodil bloomed. now the crocus are blooming and more daffodils have unfolded.  the wood ducks have been swimming with the home flock.  the heron has been here as has the pair of canada geese that have been visiting for years.  today there are turtles sunning on the banks of the lake.  the kitties laze in the sun and roll around on the driveway. the doggie wants to be out more than in. the air has a touch of warmth that can't be mistaken for any time of year except spring.

a friend came to the rescue by giving me a length of indigo colored ribbon for my corrected rainbow.  as i was assembling the new rainbow i discovered i also had misplaced the yellow and orange ribbons as well.  you would think someone as old as i am would remember the order of the colors of the rainbow! there's a way to remember, i've discovered:  mr ROY G BIV (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).  perhaps now that i have become acquainted with the rainbow gentleman i shall remember the correct order of the rainbow!

my art journal now has four more completed pages.  i've also been working on a few other projects.  that spark was all it took.  thankfully there are sparks!

it's been fun to read the entries on NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERYDAY tuesday.  it's great that readers are participating; looking forward to more!

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