Monday, December 24, 2012

get ready.....

whimsical wednesday is the day after christmas, a day of busy activity filled with family, friends, fun!  for whimsical wednesday, make the day after this christmas a time where family engages in quiet activity together.  look at all the christmas cards together, play games, work on a puzzle, watch your favorite christmas movie on video, make hot chocolate, make an after christmas treat, cook dinner together; maybe try homemade pizza for the first time!  whatever you do, do it all together! 


  1. Indeed! You saw my puzzle on Twitter. I think we'll be working on that darn thing until New Years! But yes, we'll be working on it together, for certain!

    1. you are working on an awesome puzzle! when I was growing up we always worked on a puzzle during the holidays. it's a great family activity! thank you for coming to the blog and commenting.
