our road trip game for whimsical wednesday was lots of fun. we spent several hours looking for anything that began with the letters J, M and T. sometimes there was a bunch to find all at the same time and then there were dry spells. we played until it was too dark to see anything but lights. megan did the best in that there seemed to be a great deal more M stuff and words to spot than either J or T. no matter how many or few we were able to discover, we had fun with our whimsical wednesday road trip game.
jacob's best find was the word JOLLEY. it was on a license plate. we wondered if this was the car owner's name or if they were just jolley folks driving along.
megan's best find was the word MAGNODE. this word was imprinted on the mudflap of a very large truck. i asked if we should name the next stray kitty at the farm magnode. megan said, "imagine us calling here magnode magnode magnode"! by the time she finished saying the second magnode we were all laughing. you try saying magnode three times fast and you'll know why we were laughing.
my best find was the interstate mile marker 222. while it was numerals, i could "see" 222 in letters. it would be two-two-two; very cool.
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