Wednesday, February 1, 2012

whimsical wednesday!

today's whimsical wednesday "go outside day" activity was grand! the weather was near perfect; more early spring in feel than midwinter. the bird feeders were refilled.  the lawn was searched for signs of emerging bulbs and the foliage of several was discovered.  the three birch trees shed paper thin bark and i walked the area to collect all the pieces i could find (the bark is collected for use in art projects). a blooming dandelion was spied and the camera retrieved in order to take a photograph of this whimsical flower. the highlight of the day had to be sitting on the porch, watching the world of the farm and sipping tea.  february first and i enjoyed a pleasant interlude from the serenity of the porch!  while rocking and sipping the birds entertained; with the ducks floating about the fluid water of the lake and the gold finches chowing down at their feeders.  it amazed me to see two eastern bluebirds.  following their flight paths it was evident that they were coming and going from one of the bird houses.  that prompted the task of filling a mesh fruit bag with the dryer lint i have collecting to offer to the birds for nest building material. this was hung near the bird houses.  i returned to the porch to observe the birds for awhile longer before walking about once more. as i reentered the house i was pleased to have enjoyed such a lovely whimsical wednesday.


  1. Go outside today was welcomed with liquid sunshine; however, the temps were mild so it was tolerable.

  2. great that you were able to enjoy go outside day.
