the whimsey project is an on-going opportunity for others to join the artist in happenings as well as blog about life's whimsical experiences. if you have a sense of humor and enjoy the absurd, join us at the whimsey project.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
whimsical wednesday!
happy leap year day! it was a gorgeous day. very warm for february, almost 70 degrees, and sunny! perfect weather to be outside. whimsical wednesday's activity was to do something extra with this extra day. i always have tea so my extra was to have tea with a friend! my friend arrived, tea was made and we sipped our tea on the porch enjoying the beautiful day, the tea and friendship! happy leap year day! what was your leap year day extra activity?
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
the amaryllis continues to amaze. each stall supports four separate blooms that cluster together in a star burst array; like fireworks! the second stalk's bloom has begun to emerge.
daffodils are blooming. these have appeared a month to a month and half earlier this year. and dandlions continue to bloom.
i am attempting to root an avocado pit. i have lost count of the times i have tried and failed to root an avocado pit. i persevere! if rooting is ever successful it will be awesome.
daffodils are blooming. these have appeared a month to a month and half earlier this year. and dandlions continue to bloom.
i am attempting to root an avocado pit. i have lost count of the times i have tried and failed to root an avocado pit. i persevere! if rooting is ever successful it will be awesome.
Monday, February 27, 2012
get ready.....
whimsical wednesday is leap year day! leap year day is an extra day of the year we are gifted. for whimsical wednesday, take this extra day and do something extra. take an extra long bath or an extra long walk or drink an extra cup of tea or spend extra amount of time with someone in person or on the telephone. whatever you wish to do make it extra special and extra whimsical!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
thoughtful thursday
when driving, do you take note of the wee critters, like the woolly worms in the fall, that might be at roadside? i do. and i wonder; have they just crossed the road or are they just beginning the journey?!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
whimsical wednesday!
this whimsical wednesday's activity found us exploring the internet for websites full of whimsey. i found two sites that are really neat. enjoy my selections and please share a few of your own!
this is an interesting website about all things creative to do with kids but it can be enjoyed even if one is not going to share with kids. i found this link at
asphalt archeology
this is an amazing urban art project of photographs by artist mike mission. i found it quite by accident while browsing twitter, linked in a tweet.
this is an interesting website about all things creative to do with kids but it can be enjoyed even if one is not going to share with kids. i found this link at
asphalt archeology
this is an amazing urban art project of photographs by artist mike mission. i found it quite by accident while browsing twitter, linked in a tweet.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
a blue heron has been visiting the lake here on the farm for several years. it's always a delight to look out the window and find him lake side. the ducks find the heron a curiosity as they glide back and forth amid the area in which the he is standing. yesterday i was fortunate enough to see him in flight with a great surprise: his mate! he is a pair! that is the first time i have seen the two of them together. perhaps little herons will soon visit the lake as well.
the pair of canada geese continue to visit daily. they are very polite at feeding time. they wait until the home flock has had breakfast or dinner before coming forward to munch corn themselves.
the wild turkeys appeared yesterday as well. they pecked their way across the cow pasture before crossing the road to the farm. they also know where the home flock eat their meals so that is their destination.
this last week has brought forth the beginnings of a blossom on the amaryllis. it's red. and it appears that three separate blooms are forming. film at eleven!
the pair of canada geese continue to visit daily. they are very polite at feeding time. they wait until the home flock has had breakfast or dinner before coming forward to munch corn themselves.
the wild turkeys appeared yesterday as well. they pecked their way across the cow pasture before crossing the road to the farm. they also know where the home flock eat their meals so that is their destination.
this last week has brought forth the beginnings of a blossom on the amaryllis. it's red. and it appears that three separate blooms are forming. film at eleven!
Monday, February 20, 2012
get ready.....
this whimsical wednesday we will explore new websites. look for those that are full of humor, fun, art, anything in the realm of whimsey.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
thoughtful thursday
this week's whimsical wednesday activity provoked thought of a simple yet beautifully moving emily dickinson poem. it seemed appropriate to feature it this thoughtful thursday.
If I Can Stop
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.
If I Can Stop
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
whimsical wednesday!
february is mend a broken heart month. it seemed appropriate to make a whimsical wednesday, especially the day after valentine's day, the best day to honor this important observance. it was an open activity day in that everyone would select the best way to mend someone's broken heart. this isn't a typical whimsical wednesday activity. however, somewhere in the outcome there's a touch of whimsey.
my activity was difficult to settle upon; i had been thinking about what to do since monday. this morning i knew what i was going to do but i also resisted because it was going to be very difficult to do. i did it anyway. a long distance phone call was placed to an old couple without family that was (and is) in need of attention. they were very surprised and happy to get the phone call. they were given all the time they wanted. when the call was over, i was worn out but glad (and relieved) to have done this for them. then i made myself a soothing cup of tea.
my activity was difficult to settle upon; i had been thinking about what to do since monday. this morning i knew what i was going to do but i also resisted because it was going to be very difficult to do. i did it anyway. a long distance phone call was placed to an old couple without family that was (and is) in need of attention. they were very surprised and happy to get the phone call. they were given all the time they wanted. when the call was over, i was worn out but glad (and relieved) to have done this for them. then i made myself a soothing cup of tea.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
tuesday is typically errands and lunch with friends day. this tuesday was valentine's day. the few stores where i shopped were all a-buzz with activity; everyone purchasing flowers, balloons, candy, cards and other tokens of affection for their valentines. as a result there was a festive feeling to the day. this carried over into the restaurant as many of the diners were there for the occasion. i had fun surprising my friends and the restaurant servers with a small valentine i had made. it brought a smile to see how pleased everyone was to be remembered.
one stop was the dollar store. everything in the store, obviously, costs a dollar. the laugh of the day came at the entrance of the store. just inside the door was a free standing sign proclaiming: THE DEAL OF THE WEEK! pictured was the so-called "deals" with the price being one dollar! it's the DOLLAR store! everything costs a dollar! how is that a deal?!?!?!?! definitely a hoot and a half.
last week i opened the door for one of the kitty cats to go out. what floated before me, as i was standing on the porch, was the tiniest snowflake i had ever seen. it made me giggle. i watched it float away and thought of dr seuss' horton hears a who!
one stop was the dollar store. everything in the store, obviously, costs a dollar. the laugh of the day came at the entrance of the store. just inside the door was a free standing sign proclaiming: THE DEAL OF THE WEEK! pictured was the so-called "deals" with the price being one dollar! it's the DOLLAR store! everything costs a dollar! how is that a deal?!?!?!?! definitely a hoot and a half.
last week i opened the door for one of the kitty cats to go out. what floated before me, as i was standing on the porch, was the tiniest snowflake i had ever seen. it made me giggle. i watched it float away and thought of dr seuss' horton hears a who!
Monday, February 13, 2012
get ready.....
it is most likely no coincidence that february not only features valentine's day but is also "mend a broken heart" month. this whimsical wednesday, do something, anything, for someone to help ease their way.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
thoughtful thursday
facts, facts, facts. this is what i have learned about smiles:
*women smile an average of 62 times per day, while men only smile an average of 8 smiles per day.
*it takes more facial muscles to frown than to smile.
*smiling, however slight, lifts the spirit and makes people feel more positive, secure and calm.
*random smiles for others lift THEIR spirits and can make a huge difference if they are experiencing a difficulty.
*smiles help to disarm tense or negative situations.
it would seem that we should all smile often and everywhere; even at home alone.
*women smile an average of 62 times per day, while men only smile an average of 8 smiles per day.
*it takes more facial muscles to frown than to smile.
*smiling, however slight, lifts the spirit and makes people feel more positive, secure and calm.
*random smiles for others lift THEIR spirits and can make a huge difference if they are experiencing a difficulty.
*smiles help to disarm tense or negative situations.
it would seem that we should all smile often and everywhere; even at home alone.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
whimsical wednesday!
simple yet heart felt valentine post cards were created for whimsical wednesday. a stamped outline of a heart allowed me to color the inside of the heart with a red crayon (i love to color!). under the heart was stamped "happy valentine's day". each post card was inscribed with a personal note. the hope is that each valentine recipient will like my valentine greeting! did you enjoy creating homemade valentines today?
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
have you been writing in your memory book and putting items in your treasure box? i have.
the winter continues to bring more spring-like weather than winter weather. it was sunny yesterday for the first time in about a week. all the kitties and the dog were lulling in every available patch of sunlight that streamed through the windows. the sun room door was opened to allow a flood of light to come through the glass of the storm door. the fur arrayed themselves in the shaft of sunlight that covered the wool rug on the floor. does it get any better for a furry friend? just observing them made me feel cozy and calm; provoking smiles.
the winter continues to bring more spring-like weather than winter weather. it was sunny yesterday for the first time in about a week. all the kitties and the dog were lulling in every available patch of sunlight that streamed through the windows. the sun room door was opened to allow a flood of light to come through the glass of the storm door. the fur arrayed themselves in the shaft of sunlight that covered the wool rug on the floor. does it get any better for a furry friend? just observing them made me feel cozy and calm; provoking smiles.
Monday, February 6, 2012
get ready.....
valentine's day is next tuesday so we are making valentines this whimsical wednesday. simple or elaborate. all are heart felt and really lets the recipients know they are special and loved. enjoy!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
thoughtful thursday
it's groundhog day. according to the news, mr groundhog saw his shadow. that means six more weeks of winter. never mind that winter is supposed to last six more weeks anyway. a day like groundhog day is just an opportunity to enjoy something out of the ordinary. take advantage of each day dedicated to whimsey!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
whimsical wednesday!
today's whimsical wednesday "go outside day" activity was grand! the weather was near perfect; more early spring in feel than midwinter. the bird feeders were refilled. the lawn was searched for signs of emerging bulbs and the foliage of several was discovered. the three birch trees shed paper thin bark and i walked the area to collect all the pieces i could find (the bark is collected for use in art projects). a blooming dandelion was spied and the camera retrieved in order to take a photograph of this whimsical flower. the highlight of the day had to be sitting on the porch, watching the world of the farm and sipping tea. february first and i enjoyed a pleasant interlude from the serenity of the porch! while rocking and sipping the birds entertained; with the ducks floating about the fluid water of the lake and the gold finches chowing down at their feeders. it amazed me to see two eastern bluebirds. following their flight paths it was evident that they were coming and going from one of the bird houses. that prompted the task of filling a mesh fruit bag with the dryer lint i have collecting to offer to the birds for nest building material. this was hung near the bird houses. i returned to the porch to observe the birds for awhile longer before walking about once more. as i reentered the house i was pleased to have enjoyed such a lovely whimsical wednesday.
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