Thursday, October 20, 2011

thoughtful thursday

this week, while in downtown with mom and dad, i looked around at familiar sights and thought of all that was wonderful about the area.  growing up in a small southern town so many years ago had advantages.  the freedom to be able to roam or travel to a destination alone was special.  downtown was just about my favorite destination.  my bicycle would take me to the public library where i would spend many hours reading whatever caught my attention before checking out a few books to take home.  the drug store across the street from the library featured an old fashioned soda fountain.  but before enjoying a cherry soda, a walk along one side of main street from the library and then along the other side to the drug store was mandatory.  only a few blocks in length, main street bustled with shops and services, the court house square and people.  while slurping the cherry soda through a straw and taking bites of the vanille ice cream at the bottom of the tall, frosty glass with a long handled spoon, one of the newly checked out library books was eagerly read.  then it was back on my bike and home again. 


  1. I'm surprised that more movies are made in the downtown area. Walking down main street is like going back in time to a simpler time. It is actually very attractive.

  2. opps, meant to say AREN'T made.
