Tuesday, September 27, 2011


there are a bunch of kitties who have decided to call the farm home.  they aren't pets or companions.  they just want a place to live and something to eat.  they get both. they entertain (if they don't know they are being observed) and surprise. when i returned home from travel last week, it was revealed that one of the kitties was mama to three kittens.  she must have been raising them behind the grandchildren's playhouse in the tall, bushy decorative grasses.  now that they are older they run around the playhouse and the "lawn" in front of the playhouse. currently they are on the front porch as mama must have decided to move them to new digs in the last few days.  the mama is the only outside kitty that will actually come near me and allow me to touch her.  with the kittens intently observing, i have been talking to, stroking and picking up their mama.  hopefully, as this process continues, they will allow me to do the same with them.  no doubt megan and jacob would love having a few more kitties to play with.  and the naming of said kittens will be top priority.  mama i call little bit because she is small for an adult cat.  she and all the kittens are orange.  i'm looking forward to the names the three wee ones will get.  (one has to be named YOU.  it seems that even if critters get names when i talk to them they all become you.  one might as well actually have you for a name!)

shopping is a task i do not enjoy.  it is only undertaken when necessary.  it was necessary last week.  goodness!  going into the store for cat food and being confronted with halloween, thanksgiving and christmas all at the same time (on shelves next to each other on both sides of the aisle!) was disconcerting.  and it's only september!  if i walk into a store and hear christmas music, i will exit immediately!!!!!!!


  1. I was in Dollar Tree --another lady and I observed the same thing. She was upset that Thanksgiving got lost in the shuffle- I guess Pumpkins and leaves are supposed to represent turkey day. That is sad since that is one of my fav holidays, especially if I can enjoy it with my babies and widely scattered family.

  2. it's comforting to know others feel the same way about all this holiday mushing of stuff in the stores in september! pumpkins and leaves are thanksgiving. what smothers thanksgiving is the christmas decorations and the tree already in place on thanksgiving (and cleared away the day after christmas!). i lament. which isn't at all whimsical!
