friday is good neighbor day. our whimsical wednesday activity centered on creating something to share with a neighbor or neighbors. (and we defined neighbor very broadly in order to accommodate everyone participating.)
when the grandchildren were here we made freezer jam, strawberry and peach. one batch of peach jam was put into baby food jars with the intention of giving these as gifts. peach jam will be given on friday to the neighbors for good neighbor day.
enhancing the jars of jam was my whimsical wednesday activity. labels, PEACH JAM, were made to put on the top of the jars. the jars were put into small sandwich bags and tied with a ribbon. attached to the ribbon were gift tags, HAPPY GOOD NEIGHBOR DAY! the papers, pens and ribbons were all colorful thus creating very festive gifts for the neighbors.
i'm looking forward to passing these out on friday. tell me about your whimsical wednesday preparations for good neighbor day.