Thursday, March 24, 2011

thoughtful thursday

it's spring.  the last few days have seemed so with warm temperatures and sunny skies.  today it is dreary, cold and it snowed this morning.  how quickly weather conditions change.  the weather provides the perfect example for life.  just like the weather, there's an absolute certainty regarding life: change!  it's always a second away from being something other than what it was a moment ago.  we are lulled by routine and sameness as the days pass, however, routine and sameness do not guarantee permanence.  routine and sameness makes change more startling, especially abrupt and "unexpected" change.  to live as fully as possible, be flexible, calm, tolerant, understanding, caring and, of course, find the whimsey along the way.  

1 comment:

  1. The saying goes if you live in Illinois, as perhaps other places as well...just give it 5 minutes and the weather will change.
