the whimsey project is an on-going opportunity for others to join the artist in happenings as well as blog about life's whimsical experiences. if you have a sense of humor and enjoy the absurd, join us at the whimsey project.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
thoughtful thursday
days often pass without event and they are thought of as ordinary. ask someone what happened today and the response is typically NOTHING. but did nothing really occur? there is something quite pleasant in the passage of an "ordinary" day. first and foremost, it is lived! being alive is never ordinary however mundane it may seem. so much of ordinary is really routine and sameness; the routine and sameness that provides the stability that life requires. were everyday "eventful" we just might not be able to cope! think about an ordinary day. consider all the moments that are so very special: watching a bird through the window, lighting a candle at dusk and savoring the scent and light filling the room, making the house tidy then feeling good about how nice it looks, exchanging conversation with those closest or even strangers, the sunrise and sunset, folding clean laundry, preparing a meal to share, interacting with children or animal friends, getting the mail from the box or reading the newspaper. all of this and more comprise the magic (and whimsey) of ordinary days. are there really any ordinary days after all?
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
whimsical wednesday!
this early morning several "tag! you're it....!" email messages were sent and now i am receiving many in return. oh such fun. i have been spending this whimsical wednesday giggling; enjoying email tag with people everywhere! i can "hear" them giggling as well! tell us about your whimsical wednesday email tag!
Monday, March 28, 2011
get ready......
let's play email tag this whimsical wednesday.
send someone an email that reads, "you're it!".
ask them to send to someone else and copy you as well.
the person who receives should send to another person and copy you.
you should end up with all the tags! and so should they as their tags ripple over the net!
(don't be concerned about friends/family tagging each other....that's what would happen if everyone was at the same place playing tag together!)
may you enjoy playing tag all day long!
send someone an email that reads, "you're it!".
ask them to send to someone else and copy you as well.
the person who receives should send to another person and copy you.
you should end up with all the tags! and so should they as their tags ripple over the net!
(don't be concerned about friends/family tagging each other....that's what would happen if everyone was at the same place playing tag together!)
may you enjoy playing tag all day long!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
thoughtful thursday
it's spring. the last few days have seemed so with warm temperatures and sunny skies. today it is dreary, cold and it snowed this morning. how quickly weather conditions change. the weather provides the perfect example for life. just like the weather, there's an absolute certainty regarding life: change! it's always a second away from being something other than what it was a moment ago. we are lulled by routine and sameness as the days pass, however, routine and sameness do not guarantee permanence. routine and sameness makes change more startling, especially abrupt and "unexpected" change. to live as fully as possible, be flexible, calm, tolerant, understanding, caring and, of course, find the whimsey along the way.
each day
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
whimsical wednesday!
many stops on the errand list today provided many opportunities to talk to others and have them "tell me about....."
in the garden center section of the home improvement store a lady told me about her ants. just so happens i have ants too and was looking for the right traps (the right traps being those that contain one of two chemicals; as suggested by the bug specialist at the county extension office). information i shared with the lady! we selected the appropriate traps, said good luck with our respective ants and goodbye!
the clerk at the checkout counter outside in the garden center area of the home improvement store told me about what a beautiful day it was (and it definitely was a beautiful day). then she told me about how hot it was last summer and how she was outside at the counter in the heat all day, all the time; she wasn't looking forward to that this year! i wished her mild weather like today all the way until august. transaction complete i was on my way.
next was the clerk at the checkout counter at the dollar store. i was purchasing a hard cover book (great price for a dollar!) for my upcoming travel. she related how great it was to buy a book for a dollar when the man waiting in line behind me wanted to know if i purchased books at garage sales. sadly, no since i don't go to garage sales. both the shopper and the clerk told me all about both shopping at and having garage sales. there was a very detailed account of both. had there not been more shoppers behind me and the man, we might still be there talking about garage sales!
then there was the teenage girl i talked to in the restaurant. it was spring break and she told me she wasn't doing anything this week but was glad she didn't have to be in school. i pointed out that she was at a restaurant in the middle of the day in the middle of the week. oh yeah, she realized, she was doing something during spring break.
and the server in the restaurant with the name FON on the nametag! she told me about her name and how fon is short for a name too long to fit on the tag! she got a giggle when i admitted that when i first glanced at her tag i thought it read FUN and how cool it would be to be named fun!
while dining, my friend told me about, as a child, going to her grandmother's farm in the country during the summer and how excellent that was for a little girl growing up in the city. she liked everything about her grandmother's farm; the country, the garden, cooking in the kitchen, picking fruit and making jam, the animals and watching the very tiny black and white television! she said her grandmother made everything wonderful for them and she loved being there.
my "tell me about......" encounters were mini-stories, which is what i expected. what i didn't expect was how all of these strangers (save my friend at lunch) just talked to me. i didn't have to ask anyone to "tell me about....." anything. a smile, a question, a comment, a purchase. all of these sparked the opportunity to share the little stories that creates what we think of as a life. it was a very enjoyable, whimsical day. i was so glad to have been "told about it....." with everyone i encountered throughout the day.
in the garden center section of the home improvement store a lady told me about her ants. just so happens i have ants too and was looking for the right traps (the right traps being those that contain one of two chemicals; as suggested by the bug specialist at the county extension office). information i shared with the lady! we selected the appropriate traps, said good luck with our respective ants and goodbye!
the clerk at the checkout counter outside in the garden center area of the home improvement store told me about what a beautiful day it was (and it definitely was a beautiful day). then she told me about how hot it was last summer and how she was outside at the counter in the heat all day, all the time; she wasn't looking forward to that this year! i wished her mild weather like today all the way until august. transaction complete i was on my way.
next was the clerk at the checkout counter at the dollar store. i was purchasing a hard cover book (great price for a dollar!) for my upcoming travel. she related how great it was to buy a book for a dollar when the man waiting in line behind me wanted to know if i purchased books at garage sales. sadly, no since i don't go to garage sales. both the shopper and the clerk told me all about both shopping at and having garage sales. there was a very detailed account of both. had there not been more shoppers behind me and the man, we might still be there talking about garage sales!
then there was the teenage girl i talked to in the restaurant. it was spring break and she told me she wasn't doing anything this week but was glad she didn't have to be in school. i pointed out that she was at a restaurant in the middle of the day in the middle of the week. oh yeah, she realized, she was doing something during spring break.
and the server in the restaurant with the name FON on the nametag! she told me about her name and how fon is short for a name too long to fit on the tag! she got a giggle when i admitted that when i first glanced at her tag i thought it read FUN and how cool it would be to be named fun!
while dining, my friend told me about, as a child, going to her grandmother's farm in the country during the summer and how excellent that was for a little girl growing up in the city. she liked everything about her grandmother's farm; the country, the garden, cooking in the kitchen, picking fruit and making jam, the animals and watching the very tiny black and white television! she said her grandmother made everything wonderful for them and she loved being there.
my "tell me about......" encounters were mini-stories, which is what i expected. what i didn't expect was how all of these strangers (save my friend at lunch) just talked to me. i didn't have to ask anyone to "tell me about....." anything. a smile, a question, a comment, a purchase. all of these sparked the opportunity to share the little stories that creates what we think of as a life. it was a very enjoyable, whimsical day. i was so glad to have been "told about it....." with everyone i encountered throughout the day.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
whimsical wednesday is all about stepping out of daily routine with activity we wouldn't otherwise engage in. we might wish to engage but let the pressures of daily have-to and must get in the way. it's as much a pleasure to think of activities as it is to enjoy them. it occurred to me that others might wish to have this pleasure as well! here's your invitation to offer whimsical wednesday activity suggestions! looking forward to your ideas......
Monday, March 21, 2011
get ready.....
this whimsical wednesday we will engage with others. our interactions will begin with "tell me about......." in which we ask anyone else (friend, family member, stranger!) to tell us anything they'd like about whatever they'd like. we will find great surprise in the responses; awesomely whimsical! can't wait for the results! enjoy.......
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
thoughtful thursday
it's been a very busy day but there was time to partake of a st patrick's day celebration at the club i belong to. the time was shared with two others. we passed out crocheted shamrocks made by my mother and everyone was thrilled to receive these; the shamrocks were pinned on right away. it was a festive occasion with chatter, laughter, a tasty corned beef and cabbage dinner. with everyone wearing green, it seemed to be greener inside than outside!
festive translates into joy. joy is something that is needed to be experienced everyday if possible. whether the joy results from a special occasion like today's st patrick's celebration or a simple, quiet joy like smiling at the birds feeding outside the window, life is so much more pleasant, calmer and resilient when joy is found and experienced. joy is needed. be open to the joy in your life. joy is whimsey.
festive translates into joy. joy is something that is needed to be experienced everyday if possible. whether the joy results from a special occasion like today's st patrick's celebration or a simple, quiet joy like smiling at the birds feeding outside the window, life is so much more pleasant, calmer and resilient when joy is found and experienced. joy is needed. be open to the joy in your life. joy is whimsey.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
whimsical wednesday!
at the time of day when darkness had previously come on whimsical wednesday there is daylight! our "celebration" of said change was highlighted in this whimsical wednesday's activity....a late afternoon/early evening walk.
after several days of rain and gloom today dawned sunny and warmed throughout the day; making the walk a lovely time outside. the walk's mission was to seek out evidence of emerging spring bulbs. this is a special spring treat for me as each thanksgiving weekend the family plants all varieties of bulbs, concentrating on a different area about the farm each year. as the only one to be able to enjoy the emergence and blooming of the bulbs, it is my joy to see the gentle reminders of family time together. today's walk was not disappointing. in many planted areas there are much vegetation, other areas have just a hint of plants poking out of the earth, a few have signs of the flowers closed on the central stem.
there's much to report to the family about our spring bulbs after today's whimsical wednesday daylight savings time walk. they were here with me in spirit as well as in the bulbs. happy daylight savings time!
after several days of rain and gloom today dawned sunny and warmed throughout the day; making the walk a lovely time outside. the walk's mission was to seek out evidence of emerging spring bulbs. this is a special spring treat for me as each thanksgiving weekend the family plants all varieties of bulbs, concentrating on a different area about the farm each year. as the only one to be able to enjoy the emergence and blooming of the bulbs, it is my joy to see the gentle reminders of family time together. today's walk was not disappointing. in many planted areas there are much vegetation, other areas have just a hint of plants poking out of the earth, a few have signs of the flowers closed on the central stem.
there's much to report to the family about our spring bulbs after today's whimsical wednesday daylight savings time walk. they were here with me in spirit as well as in the bulbs. happy daylight savings time!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
a big thank you to twitter followers of the whimsey project. they have been participating in whimsical wednesday or commenting about blog posts there. we'll enjoy participation where it happens. especially enjoyed seems to have been last week's whimsical wednesday activity, dancing in the kitchen! excellent. looking forward to more whimsey together.
Monday, March 14, 2011
get ready.....
daylight savings time began over the weekend. for whimsical wednesday, to observe the occasion, let's take a walk after five pm; which was previously dark but now will be light. on our walk, look for signs of spring in the form of emerging spring bulbs.
Friday, March 11, 2011
photo friday
Underwater Sculpture Garden
this sculpture is amazing. it's also functional and designed to protect the environment. wow. art, function, whimsey intersect.
this sculpture is amazing. it's also functional and designed to protect the environment. wow. art, function, whimsey intersect.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
thoughtful thursday
in the book/movie "the remains of the day" there is a moment that captures the day becoming night. one of the main characters wonders why this moment seems to be noticed with special significance to people. that is often a very busy time for people and there is no opportunity for noticing the passing of the day. for me, especially during the time of year before daylight savings time, this is a time savored. as the sun sets, the house feels calm and quiet. a candle burns, the kitties are snoozing, any activity i undertake is also calm and quiet; sometimes i read or listen to classical music or do handicrafts. and sometimes it's when doing absolutely nothing is what is most enjoyed. once daylight savings time has arrived, the remains of the day is enjoyed outside on the porch watching the sunset, the ducks laze on the lake, active deer and birds scurrying about having their last meal of the day. make it your part of your routine to enjoy the remains of the day, at least once a week, alone or with others. perhaps you will also come to savor the moment when day becomes night.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
whimsical wednesday!
the kitties and i had a fine morning dancing in the kitchen this whimsical wednesday. the kitties took turns waltzing with me to something classical while water boiled for tea. by the time the music ended the water was boiling. now the tea had to steep so we danced another waltz to more classical music. after all this waltzing, in which the kitties were sure their mommy had gone completely around the bend, it was time for tea. dancing in the kitchen plus tea equals such fun on whimsical wednesday. hopefully you'll dance in the kitchen today and your step, like mine, will be lighter throughout the day.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
there hasn't been much time or energy for whimsey today. today was tax day in this household. since that is a slow process for me it took most of the day to complete. however, that task is finished for another year so tonight before bedtime a bit of miscellaneous can be offered.
yesterday, when driving into the grocery store parking lot, i spied a vehicle with a license plate from west virginia. another new state. i'll play this game until all are found. wonder if i'll get alaska or hawaii and if i do how long it will take. we'll find out.
and that's about all my brain can manage for today. tomorrow is whimsical wednesday and we'll dance in the kitchen. i'm looking forward to that.
yesterday, when driving into the grocery store parking lot, i spied a vehicle with a license plate from west virginia. another new state. i'll play this game until all are found. wonder if i'll get alaska or hawaii and if i do how long it will take. we'll find out.
and that's about all my brain can manage for today. tomorrow is whimsical wednesday and we'll dance in the kitchen. i'm looking forward to that.
Monday, March 7, 2011
get ready.....
my daughter described the most fun ever she had with my grandchildren last week while doing household chores, she got a song ready to play, called the little ones into the kitchen and said, "we are going to have a kitchen dance party!" to which the music was started and everyone danced, danced, danced! then chores resumed. what a moment of whimsey. we shall all have a kitchen dance party this wednesday. whether alone or with others, enjoy! i'm looking forward to it.
Friday, March 4, 2011
photo friday
copy and paste the link into the browser for viewing:
this photograph by phil hart and featured on the GOOD magazine website is awesome. what makes it whimsical, for me, is the artist's perspective of sky and sea. below the photograph is a link to similar photographs by the artist. do enjoy.
this photograph by phil hart and featured on the GOOD magazine website is awesome. what makes it whimsical, for me, is the artist's perspective of sky and sea. below the photograph is a link to similar photographs by the artist. do enjoy.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
thoughtful thursday
offered below is the ten commandments of breakfast tea written by a dedicated tea drinker. much of it made me smile and nod in knowing agreement. tea is definitely a vehicle for ritual and this article is a perfect example of ritual. ritual is important in the rhythm of daily life. ritual offers stability, continuity, acts that cross generations and cultures. ritual is personal or shared. there are huge rituals, of course; holidays, weddings, birthdays. these are benchmarks and anchors as life progresses. but the small, daily rituals, like the ritual of breakfast tea, is the substance of life. all of us, at every age, needs a modicum of routine. children are structured by adults. ritual helps adults structure themselves and each other. the ritual of tea is certainly one that occupies my daily routine. another is bird watching. and tracking the visits of wild animals, watching sunrises, sunsets and sightings of the moon. as i consider ritual in my daily routine, i find that i consider much as ritual. ritual offers an openness to whimsey even when those acts don't seem whimsical at all. but they are. think about the rhythm of your daily life. what are you rituals? is the whimsey revealed?
The 10 Commandments of Breakfast Tea
by Marcus Stout

No, these have nothing to do with Holy Commandments from atop a mountain, but everything to do with my morning ritual. Much like a warm beer on a hot Summer afternoon, unless I make my tea using all 10 of these commandments, I am left unsatisfied.
Commandment 1: Thou Shall use Loose Tea – Teabags just don’t cut it. It leaves my tea tasting thin and unflavorful.
Commandment 2: Thou Shall Warm your Teapot – A cold teapot will suck the heat out of the water leaving a tepid brew.
Commandment 3: Thou Shall Steep your Tea for the Recommended Time – Too little time and the tea will turn out weak. Too much and it will be too astringent.
Commandment 4: Thou Shall use Boiling Water – If the water is less than boiling, the tea will taste watery.
Commandment 5: Thou Shall rinse your Tea Leaves – Rinsing the tea leaves helps to “awaken” the leaves, therefore ensuring a great cup of tea.
Commandment 6: Thou Shall use 2% Milk – Tea purists will scoff at this one, but I cannot be without milk in my morning tea...only my morning tea. Skim milk is too thin, while whole milk overpowers the flavor. 2% is perfect.
Commandment 7: Thou Shall use Honey – Once again, purists will disagree. This is purely a matter of taste. Honey provides a richness that sugar cannot replicate
Commandment 8: Thou Shall pour the Milk in the Teacup First – This has been highly debated amongst tea enthusiasts for years. I like to pour the milk in first because I use the same cup every day and know exactly how much to pour. It also gives me something to do while the tea is steeping.
Commandment 9: Thou Shall drink out of a Porcelain Cup – Porcelain provides a smooth surface that gives tea a pure flavor. My tea cup may be my most cherished possession.
Commandment 10: Thou Shall drink your Tea Before Brushing your Teeth – Even if I wait 30 minutes before having my tea (which is almost impossible within itself) I can still taste the minty-ness of the toothpaste. An important tip to remember is to make sure you brush your teeth after drinking your tea or your coworkers may hate you all day!
The 10 Commandments of Breakfast Tea
by Marcus Stout
No, these have nothing to do with Holy Commandments from atop a mountain, but everything to do with my morning ritual. Much like a warm beer on a hot Summer afternoon, unless I make my tea using all 10 of these commandments, I am left unsatisfied.
Commandment 1: Thou Shall use Loose Tea – Teabags just don’t cut it. It leaves my tea tasting thin and unflavorful.
Commandment 2: Thou Shall Warm your Teapot – A cold teapot will suck the heat out of the water leaving a tepid brew.
Commandment 3: Thou Shall Steep your Tea for the Recommended Time – Too little time and the tea will turn out weak. Too much and it will be too astringent.
Commandment 4: Thou Shall use Boiling Water – If the water is less than boiling, the tea will taste watery.
Commandment 5: Thou Shall rinse your Tea Leaves – Rinsing the tea leaves helps to “awaken” the leaves, therefore ensuring a great cup of tea.
Commandment 6: Thou Shall use 2% Milk – Tea purists will scoff at this one, but I cannot be without milk in my morning tea...only my morning tea. Skim milk is too thin, while whole milk overpowers the flavor. 2% is perfect.
Commandment 7: Thou Shall use Honey – Once again, purists will disagree. This is purely a matter of taste. Honey provides a richness that sugar cannot replicate
Commandment 8: Thou Shall pour the Milk in the Teacup First – This has been highly debated amongst tea enthusiasts for years. I like to pour the milk in first because I use the same cup every day and know exactly how much to pour. It also gives me something to do while the tea is steeping.
Commandment 9: Thou Shall drink out of a Porcelain Cup – Porcelain provides a smooth surface that gives tea a pure flavor. My tea cup may be my most cherished possession.
Commandment 10: Thou Shall drink your Tea Before Brushing your Teeth – Even if I wait 30 minutes before having my tea (which is almost impossible within itself) I can still taste the minty-ness of the toothpaste. An important tip to remember is to make sure you brush your teeth after drinking your tea or your coworkers may hate you all day!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
whimsical wednesday!
couldn't wait to paint my toenails* pink today. however, there was no nail polish in the house and none was secured in the last few days. therefore, it was time to get creative. i've got amazing copic markers. RV11, pink, now graces my toenails. i admired them for a bit before putting on my socks. i can feel how colorful they are even covered! happy feet, happy me, happy whimsical wednesday! what color are your toenails?
*thank you to a follower who suggested this whimsical wednesday activity. if you have an idea for a whimsical wednesday activity, share!
*thank you to a follower who suggested this whimsical wednesday activity. if you have an idea for a whimsical wednesday activity, share!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
miscellaneous. i like the word. i have always liked the word. when i was in elementary school, i remember learning to spell miscellaneous. i was so proud to know how to spell all of misc! misc never seemed to adequately and fully capture the essence of miscellaneous. miscellaneous encompasses so much that misc just didn't do it justice. miscellaneous, miscellaneous, miscellaneous! here at the whimsey project, tuesday will be devoted to miscellaneous.
i was on the road today for five hours. it was exciting to have license plate sightings from states that adds to our total begun in late december. iowa and idaho. wheeeee.......
when not looking for new license plates i daydreamed about future doings for the whimsey project. lots to look forward to!
sadly, the wee evergreen seed that was planted for whimsical wednesday didn't germinate. that provides the opportunity to plant more seeds.
i was on the road today for five hours. it was exciting to have license plate sightings from states that adds to our total begun in late december. iowa and idaho. wheeeee.......
when not looking for new license plates i daydreamed about future doings for the whimsey project. lots to look forward to!
sadly, the wee evergreen seed that was planted for whimsical wednesday didn't germinate. that provides the opportunity to plant more seeds.
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