Thursday, July 9, 2020

thoughtful thursday

happy 10th anniversary to the whimsey project! for ten years the whimsey project has been a pleasure for me. everything about it has been something i have enjoyed so much. and now it is time to say goodbye. thank you, fellow whim-zees, for taking this whimsical journey with me. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

whimsical wednesday

a few whimsical wednesdays ago we drew half of a picture then gave it to someone else to finish. my drawing was mailed to my favorite four year old and his mom sent a photo of his half'. it's awesome! wouldn't it be whimiscal to see this butterfly fluttering about in nature?

for today's whimsical wednesday, we are browsing the whimsey project blog. perhaps you will enjoy reading all the trivia from trivia tuesday, or looking at all the photos from photo friday, or the variety of offerings from miscellaneous monday, or laugh at the fun stuff on silly saturday. if you find something that you particularly enjoy, share that with the whimsey project. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

ttrivia tuesday

from uberfacts:

brain scans have revealed that humans do not experience the world continuously, but in rapid snapshots. 

Monday, July 6, 2020

miscellaneous monday

covid-19 stay at home doings:

creating new spaces (photo by sarah)

observing sahara desert sand cloud (photo by libby)

hanging out (photo by windy)

sending funnies (from amanda)
morgan's portrait of himself and me (photo by amanda)

ribbit bread by dash (photo by dash)

Sunday, July 5, 2020

solitude sunday

solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book.  my book continues to be eric larson's the spendid and the vile: a saga of churchill, family and defiance during the blitz. what are you reading? share your book with the whimsey project. 

Saturday, July 4, 2020

silly saturday

living rural on many, many acres filled with water, trees, meadow, much flora, nooks and crannies, there are amble opportunities for creature encounters; of which some are quite silly, such as raccoons looking in the window at me, deer with cornstarch on their nose after eating cracked corn out of the bird feeder and turtles walking along the sidewalk!

photo by libby

Thursday, July 2, 2020

thoughtful thursday

KEEP TRYING is a common theme throughout life.  it's an important lesson but one that requires discerning when it is worth the effort and when it is necessary to say no more. 

take plants for example.  for years i have attempted to root and grow an avocado pit. except for one tiny shoot with a single leaf that quickly withered, there had been no success in growing an avocado plant from a pit.  until recently. finally! one avocado pit sprouted roots, a shoot and when there were two leaves, the pit was planted in soil. it continues to thrive. 

every time i look at the plant i am filled with giddy pleasure at having a successful KEEP TRYING.  keep trying and know what to try for and what to let go.


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

whimsical wednesday

it's learn something new for whimsical wednesday! what will you learn? continue with something already undertaken or begin something new?

i have no idea what i will learn today.  but i will definitely learn something. 

*my learn something new for whimsical wednesday was to delve into american history. i spend a few hours, with a cup of tea, delving into what we consider american history. however, i read sources uncommonly used in presenting the narrative. enlightening.