Sunday, March 31, 2019

solitude sunday

solitude sunday. our day to spend time with a book. my read is howard goodall's the story of music from babylon to the beatles: how music has shaped civilization. in the first paragraph of the introduction the author writes, "...everything that had to be discovered to produce music, its chords, melodies and rhythms-- had already been discovered by around 1450". and i thought, oh! but what has been done with chords, melodies and rhythms since. what are you reading? share your book with the whimsey project. 

Saturday, March 30, 2019

silly saturday

from @omgfacts:

"slang" is slang for shortened language. 

Thursday, March 28, 2019

thoughtful thursday

charles dickens:

it was one of those march days when it was summer in the sun and winter in the shade.               

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

whimsical wednesday

it's national "write a quirky country music song title" day! 

take some time to come up with the best country music song title ever, either by yourself or with others. for ideas: use an experience or experiences you or others have had to compose your title. the more mundane the experience the better as country music is all about the everyday.  share your song title with the whimsey project!

wednesday night my cyber crew and i riffed on song titles for a few hours. we even wrote a few songs to go with our titles. it was fun, fun, fun! here is a sample of our collaboration:

*red wine vinegar and a bit of sugar
*the letter she wrote only said do not use
*hack up that hairball and get to livin'
*my feelings match the color of my ol' chevy; blue
*she shredded his heart to a petite dice
*all that's lost isn't a loss
*where are you, parrot birds?
*thanks for saving me
*it's all pork rinds, beef jerky and beer
*i traded love for cash
*like i need your approval, junior
*country and quirky don't blend

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

trivia tuesday

from @omgfacts:

the national animal of wales is the dragon.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

solitude sunday

solitude sunday. our day to spend time with a book. my book is written by bessel van der kolk, md: the body keeps the score: brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma. as the title implies, this book is about the effects of trauma on every aspect of the human being. 

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

whimsical wednesday

it's whimsical wednesday! we are celebrating the first day of spring as well as the international day of happiness!

after a long, hard winter we welcome spring. go outside! look around for signs of the season of the earth's renewal, take a walk, sit in the sunshine, listen to the birds, observe other wildlife who are also, no doubt, welcoming spring.

the united nations established the international day of happiness in 2015. follow the link to learn more about how you can be a part of this international event:

for whimsical wednesday i used the link above and joined the international happiness organization. while doing so i read about the mission and the activities they offer. the goal of the organization is to create environments in which people can be happy. to that end, i gathered plastic lids and took them to the local library. the library's project, which i learned about this week, is the creation of an outdoor bench for the library grounds made with the donated lids. 

it has been raining on this first day of spring but i was still about to enjoy being outside in between rain showers. trees are beginning to bud, grass is growing and becoming very green, the birds are merrily singing and the turtles are hanging out lakeside! when the turtles emerge it is spring. and the daffodils are about to bloom...


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

trivia tuesday

from @qikipedia:

the first recorded use of almond milk was from a baghdadi cookbook in the year 1226.

Monday, March 18, 2019

miscellaneous monday

keeping a daily whimsical moment notebook! that's one of our on-going activities here at the whimsey project. each day we record a daily moment of whimsey in any type of notebook: pocket calendar, loose leaf notebook paper, old envelopes, journals, whatever! throughout the year we take time to share some of our moments on miscellaneous monday and today is one of those days! (if you haven't been keeping a whimsical moment notebook today is a great day to begin!) 

my selected moment:

sunday, february 17th, my grandson said, while visiting for the weekend, "i love this house. it's cozy and homey." 

Sunday, March 17, 2019

solitude sunday

solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. my current read is special as the author, bob tarte, is my friend. his memoir, feathered brained: my bumbling quest to become a birder and find a rare bird on my own, is funny, thoughtful, charming. 

Saturday, March 16, 2019

silly saturday

from @omgfacts:

the pillsbury doughboy's name is poppin' fresh. 

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

whimsical wednesday

it's national "open an umbrella indoors" day! get out your favorite overhead rain protector and have at it! 

we had an "open an umbrella indoors" day party! card games and dinner and, of course, open umbrellas indoors!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

trivia tuesday

from @qikipedia:

the "night of the radishes" is an annual festival dedicated to the carving of radishes, held in oaxaca, mexico.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

solitude sunday

solitude sunday; our day to spend time with a book. my book companion continues to be peter ackroyd's, london, the biography. this history of london is fascinating.  share your book with the whimsey project!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

thoughtful thursday

as read online:

how NOT to make an apology:

"i'm sorry that your terrible behavior caused me to act out of character. you should work on that." **

**or, put more simply, "i was wrong but it's your fault."

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

whimsical wednesday

our ongoing project for 2019 is to connect with others. therefore, on the first wednesday of each month we do just that. it's the first wednesday of march so get to connecting: call, email, text, put a card or letter or two in the mail, get together with someone(s). everyone is a candidate for your attention, however, consider reaching out to those people you aren't able to visit with very often. and maybe seek out new friends as well. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

trivia tuesday

from @omgfacts:

in welsh folklore, corgis are the preferred method of transportation for fairies.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

solitude sunday

solitude sunday is our day to spend time with a book. my book is peter ackroyd's london, the biography, an 800 page volume of the history of the city of london. it's an interesting read. what are you reading? share your book with whimsey project. 

Saturday, March 2, 2019

silly saturday


Q: what sound do porcupines make when they hug?
A: ouch!