Saturday, June 30, 2018

Friday, June 29, 2018

Thursday, June 28, 2018

thoughtful thursday

dough green:

i am more myself in a garden than anywhere else on earth.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

whimsical wednesday

it's puzzle day for whimsical wednesday! the word ladder puzzle we are solving today is taken from word puzzles: 10 minute puzzle fun.  

use the clues to change just one letter on each line to go from the top word to the bottom word. do not change the order of the letters. a common english word must be used at each step.

________  witty exchange
________  to haggle
________  holds up your stocking
________  to gather
________  person who makes silly faces

share your answers with the whimsey project!


Sunday, June 24, 2018

solitude sunday

the book i am spending time with for solitude sunday is strings attached: one tough teacher and the gift of great expectations by joanne lipman and melanie kupchynsky.

this book tells the story of a high school orchestra director jerry kupchynaky. it is told, in alternating voices, by his daughter, melanie and pupil (and friend of melanie), joanne. as a teacher and orchestra director, mr k as he's known to students, demands excellence from his students. his high expectations for their success kept him always prodding them to give their best efforts and beyond what they thought was their best efforts. the story reveals a tough task master who also has a very good heart. 

Thursday, June 21, 2018

thoughtful thursday


wake up each morning and tell yourself, "i can do this".

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

whimsical wednesday

it's whimsical wednesday! today's activity is for you to do something you enjoy but haven't done for at least 6 months to a year! share your activity with the whimsey project.

my activity was to play the piano, something i haven't done in a long time. it was most enjoyable and no doubt all the kitties and the dog enjoyed my concert!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

trivia tuesday

from history lovers club @historylvrsclub:

the t-shirt was invented in 1904. it was marketed to batchelors who could not sew or replace buttons.

Monday, June 18, 2018

miscellaneous monday

yesterday i discovered that i was using normal size font instead of large. oh! how excited i was to learn that i could increase the font size so as to make reading the whimsey project blog easier on the eyes! silly me! i thought i was using the large font size...

not long ago i posted open culture's link to free books to download. i also discovered, recently, a website that offers very inexpensive books for devices such as kindle. one sets up an account and book genre preferences and each day an email arrives in the inbox to alert to selections. books seem to run about $1.99 and there have been a few for $2.99.  there are also free books. here's the link to book bub:

Saturday, June 16, 2018

silly saturday


it's sooooo hot that you can make instant sun tea!

Friday, June 15, 2018

Thursday, June 14, 2018

thoughtful thursday

mnraccon proverb:

those who say it can not be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

whimsical wednesday

sunday is father's day so we will prepare something special for dad(s) this whimsical wednesday. maybe, like for mother's day, you will plan to make dinner or take dad out for dinner. maybe you will shop for a gift or make a gift. maybe you'll send a card if he is far away; maybe you'll make the card you send him. maybe you no longer have your dad so you will do something to honor his memory. share your preparations with the whimsey project.

my father is no longer with us so i will be funding a tree for a national park as i did for mom in her memory on mother's day. there's something quite special about trees. they last for a very, very long time, they are beautiful and the help protect the eco-balance of the earth. trees are good for memorials and for the living.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

trivia tuesday

from quite interesting @qikipedia:

the flute was invented before the wheel.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

solitude sunday

solitude sunday is our day to spend time with a book. my journey with shady characters: the secret life of punctuation, symbols & other typographical marks by keith houston is completed with today's chapter about irony and sarcasm.  h.l. manken stated that there should be punctuation for irony/sarcasm because readers were too clueless to understand when writers were being such. the symbols proposed for irony/sarcasm were the forerunners to the modern emoticons. in fact, emoticons are very old! the first such characters to express emotion were published in PUCK magazine march 30, 1881. they characters were hand drawn as there was no typeface yet for emoticons. but the point was made and the rest is, as is said, history.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Thursday, June 7, 2018

thoughtful thursday

robert kennedy:

some men see things as they are and ask why. i dream of things that never were and ask why not.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

whimsical wednesday

it's the first whimsical wednesday of june so it's our day to work on our own projects! i will be working on a tiny booklet that i have put off making for several months.  what project will you work on for "do your own thing" whimsical wednesday?

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

trivia tuesday

from wikipedia:

karam and kartari chand hold the record for the world's longest married couple. married december 11, 1925, they were wed for 90 years and 291 days before karma died at age 110.

Monday, June 4, 2018

miscellaneous monday

windy and sam were married yesterday.  the bride's bouquet, created by windy and libby,  was composed of jewelry of both the mother of the bride and mother of the groom. it was awesome, as was the wedding and reception. (photo by windy).

Sunday, June 3, 2018

solitude sunday

we spend time with a book on solitude sunday. my visit continues with keith houston's, shady characters: the secret life of punctuation, symbols &other typographical marks. today i read about the quotation mark or as the author pointed out, marks, as the quotation mark(s) always comes in pairs. the quotation mark began life as a diple  ">" as far back into history at the library of alexandria. the purpose of the diple was to mark an important point in text.

Saturday, June 2, 2018