Sunday, May 31, 2015

solitude sunday

solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. what are you reading? share your book with the whimsey project.

continuing with clifton fadiman's, the lifetime reading plan, i was introduced more fully to hemingway, bellow, cervantes, borges, marquez, gogol and turgenev. some of what fadiman reveals about the authors discussed provokes a desire to read their biographies rather than their fiction!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

silly saturday

silly saturday at the whimsey project! our day to share silly stuff to make us grin, giggle, guffaw! there's silly in you! share it with the whimsey project!

my young second grader friend was in need of a reading tutor so i volunteered. our first session was this week; at my house. she looks in the candy bowl to see if there was anything tasty in it. she looked at me startled as she found the candy bowl filled with candy canes. "there's christmas candy in the candy bowl! it's not christmas!" i readily admitted she was correct. as we work on her lessons, i cheer every time she was correct. again, i get that look. this time she said, "please hold the cheering until we are finished!" okay then! fellow wim-zees, it took all my strength not to guffaw copiously while enjoying tutoring time.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

whimsical wednesday

it's national cellophane tape for whimsical wednesday! we're celebrating by playing with tape. we wont be limited to cellophane tape.  no! we'll play will any kind of tape one has available: masking, painters', washi, two sided, decorative, duct tape.  if it's on a spool and sticks we're playing with it. share your tape fun with the whimsey project!

there's an entire box of various tapes on a shelf where i store the craft supplies! so many i couldn't decide what to do with all that tape. then my eyes rested on the tape roller thingie. a continuous loop of tape, you holds it just over the paper and pulls it along.  supposedly a trail of tape is left behind. i qualify with the supposedly because i can't work this simple contraption! aha! a challenge for tape day! off came the cap and rolling began. with no outcome in mind, i rolled that tape all over a piece of paper. i actually had it functioning halfway properly because tape was all over the paper. now what? digging about in the embellishments box i came across a container of paper daisies. those were perfect for putting on the tape. now i have a piece of paper covered in tape that is covered in daisies! wheeeeeee......

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

trivia tuesday

trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all manner of trivia; experiential or factual. bring it on!

from the national geographic bee:

which is the term. for the treeless biome in high latitudes that has permafrost?  tundra or isotherm?
if you selected tundra, you are correct!

Monday, May 25, 2015

miscellaneous monday

miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project. our day to share miscellaneous, stuff that comes to mind, bright ideas and so forth.  share some of your miscellaneous here at the whimsey project.

it's memorial day.  typically considered the beginning of summer. people have picnics at memorial day. i attended one. the menu was standard american fare: hot dogs, hamburgers, baked beans and potato salad.  watermelon, cantaloupe and brownies for dessert.  yes, brownies.

brownies seem to be the unofficial official picnic dessert.  my contribution to the meal was the brownies. it got me thinking about brownies; some like the soft inside, some like the balance between the soft and the crust (that touches the sides of the baking pan) and some just like the crust. some like chewy, fudgy brownies and others like them more like cake. there's a preference for icing or no icing. naked brownies or dressed brownies, which would be a dusting of powdered sugar or no powdered sugar. some like them plain, others like them with additional ingredients like nuts. some like milk chocolate and some like dark chocolate brownies. some like them with a scoop of ice cream or just out of the pan.

me? i like fudgy, chewy brownies, the balance between the crust and soft, no icing, naked (but won't quibble about a dusting of powdered sugar), dark chocolate with additional ingredients like nuts, chocolate chips, coconut.  with or without a scoop of vanilla ice cream. how do you like your brownies?

get ready.....

get ready for whimsical wednesday! it's national cellophane tape day so let's play with tape! create something, mend something, do whatever you wish with tape.  we won't limit ourselves to cellophane tape as there's duct tape, decorative tape, washi tape, painters' tape, masking tape, to name a few. just have fun with tape!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

solitude sunday

solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book.  any book will do, however, consider reading those books that have been waiting awhile to be read. share what you are reading with the whimsey project!

the lifetime reading plan by clifton fadimah continues. the works discussed during this week's reading session were written by poe, hawthorne, melville, twain, james and faulkner.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

silly saturday

silly saturday at the whimsey project. our day to share all stuff silly.  bring it on to make us grin, giggle, guffaw.

mini joke from the kid page in the newspaper:

Q: what kind of horses do ghosts like to ride?

A:  night mares!!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

thoughtful thursday

patricia michaels:

sometimes when things seem to be falling apart they are actually coming together.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

whimsical wednesday

we're reading the phone book for whimsical wednesday! select a page from the white pages section of the phone book at random. close your eyes and part the pages somewhere, anywhere! read the names. do you know anyone on the page? what names appealed to you? find any interesting business names? share your phone book foray with the whimsey project.

pages 108 and 109 were my random selection from the local phone book; listing from qualls to reed.
*the business that caught my attention was rapco limited.
*encountered the name of one person i am acquainted with!
*first names that were unique:  rosemma, peepers, ghazala, docia.
*last names that fascinated: quandt, radisic, rancilio, ratajezyk, reaka.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

trivia tuesday

trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all things trivial; experiential or factual. tell us your trivia!

from weird history:

sushi means sour rice; flavored with vinegar.  no fish necessary!

Monday, May 18, 2015

miscellaneous monday

miscellaneous monday at the whimsey  project! our day to share stuff that is gloriously miscellaneous! take advantage of the word and share your miscellaneous!  here's mine:

orderly physical items is an important component of life for me.  especially in the home, order creates a calm that is seemingly unattainable when chaotic clutter reigns. imagine my thrill to have discovered the work of the artist in this link:

amazing!  enjoy as must as i did.

get ready.....

get ready for whimsical wednesday! we're looking at the phone book.  randomly select a (white) page from your local telephone book. read each name. did you come upon anyone you know? what was the most interesting name? any business listed on your page?  these are just a few of the details you might discover from reading the phone book.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

solitude sunday

solitude sunday at the whimsey project.  our day to spend time with a book. share what you are reading.

clifton fadiman's, the lifetime reading plan, continues with more authors read in the narratives chapter. my thoughts are now filled with austen, bronte, thackeray, dickens, eliot, carroll, hardy, conrad, forster, joyce, woolf, lawrence, huxley, orwell and mann.  i would say my brain is full!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

silly saturday

silly saturday at the whimsey project.  our day to share all sorts of silly stuff to make us grin, giggle, guffaw! there's silly in you somewhere so bring it on!

my grandchildren have a cat. and two guinea pigs. this should be cause for consternation. not with these guys.  the cat sits on the bed and watches over the guinea pigs.  they talk to her. sometimes she gets in the cage with them (large corral type arrangement with no cover) and hangs out.  they squeak and jump around when she comes to visit. they run to her and then away and to her and away. the cat is white and black.  the guinea pigs are white with a touch of buff at the ears. my grandchildren have monochromatic pets.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Thursday, May 14, 2015

thoughtful thursday


don't let what you can't do stop you from doing what you can.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

whimsical wednesday

we're looking for shades of green this whimsical wednesday! look outside at all the glorious foliage that spring has brought.  study it closely.  how many different shades of green do you see?  actually go outside if you are able to soak up part of the day.  tell us what you discovered.

my foray into the green foliage netted a count of about 25 different shades of green.  i could have become even more particular but 25 is more than enough. living where i do, shades of green are in abundance.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

trivia tuesday

trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all things trivial; experiential or factual. let's have your trivia!

for spring allergy season, trivia from the national geographic kids weird but true book:
a sneeze travels 100 miles an hour!!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2015

miscellaneous monday

miscellaneous monday! our day to share whatever strikes our fancy.  we're looking forward to your offering on miscellaneous monday!

kittens! there are kittens! we have discovered the nesting area one of the mama kitties selected for her babies.  she did a great job with this nest.  the kittens are obscured; as they should be. from the house, we can look out one window and barely see them. we think there are two babies for this first time mama.  
that miscellaneous was brought to you by tr kitty! i have no idea what he's talking about.

get ready.....

get ready for whimsical wedneday! suddenly the earth is covered in green.  green is the color of the month of may as the birthstone is the emerald.  if weather permits, be outside and look around. how many different shades of green do you see? if it's raining, look out the window!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

solitude sunday

solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. share what you are reading with the whimsey project.

a portion of the chapter on narratives in clifton fadiman's, the lifetime reading plan, was today's reading.  i didn't get super far before falling asleep on the couch, however, i read about bunyan, defoe, swift and sterne and fielding. fadiman's take on defoe's robinson crusoe is different than anything i had ever read about sterne's narrative, tristram shandy.  fadiman posits that shandy is written with psychological theory as it's guiding premise.  he calls defoe's crusoe a stick. intriguing.

happy mother's day!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

silly saturday

silly saturday at the whimsey project! our day to share silly stuff to make us grin, giggle, guffaw. you must have something silly to share! do so today!

the following link is to a series of photographs called "dry dog wet dog" by pet photographer serena hudson.  she thought it would be neat to have before and after photographs of dogs at bathtime, she was right.  it is neat.  and very, very silly.  enjoy!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Thursday, May 7, 2015

thoughtful thursday


"it's impossible" said pride.
"it's risky" said experience.
"it's pointless" said reason.
"give it a try" whispered the heart.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

whimsical wednesday

we're getting ready for mother's day this whimsical wednesday!  make a card, a gift, a tasty treat to eat. write a poem, inscribe a memory of you with her from your childhood.  compose music or a song. do whatever you'd enjoy creating. make it yourself! should you wish to honor someone else or besides your mother, consider something for a favorite lady or female doggie or kitty.  share your mother's day offering with the whimsey project!

my children, grandchildren and i typically send flowers for our mom/grandmother/great-grandmother for mother's day.  in addition to flowers i will send a homemade card today.  on sunday, mother's day, all the mama kitties around the farm will receive a special treat.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

trivia tuesday

trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all things trivial.  factual or experiential, bring it on. share your trivia today!

according to weird history, the name for the city of los angeles is so much more than los angeles. the city's full name is:  El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles del Rio de Porciuncula.  try putting that address on an envelope!

Monday, May 4, 2015

miscellaneous monday

miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project.  our day to share all things that doesn't fit in any other category. share whatever you have for miscellaneous monday!

about a week ago, a canada goose began to hang out here at the farm's lake.  soon after another goose appeared.  over the weekend we saw five wee goslings!  they are sooooo cute! mama and papa goose marshaling the babies about the water and on the land.  a few other adult geese showed up to lend assistance.   we hung the hummingbird feeders over the weekend. hummers arrived the first day the feeders were in place! wheeee..... the hummingbirds have returned.  we are on the lookout for kittens. a few of the females looked very full and now they look empty. film at eleven!

get ready.....

get ready for whimsical wednesday! we're making gifts for mother's day. it matters not what you make; a card, brownies, homemade soap, write a story or poem about your childhood or a special memory. make coupons for chores or visits.  do whatever you wish that's best for mom.  don't want to make a mother's day something specifically for your mom?  do it for someone else or a doggie or kitty or any other mother you wish to honor!  

Sunday, May 3, 2015

solitude sunday

solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. any book will do. however, consider those books that have been waiting a long time to be read.  share your book!

clifton fadiman's, the lifetime reading plan continues with playwrights. he offers commentary on shakespeare, moliere, goethe, ibsen, shaw, chekhov, o'neill, beckett and the authors of contemporary dramas. i learned something new about all the playwrights i already knew as well as being introduced to authors i didn't know.  fadiman's commentary is often more fascinating than the authors featured!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

silly saturday

silly saturday at the whimsey project! our day to share silly stuff to make us grin, giggle, guffaw! share all your silly today!

joke from the oatmeal:

Q: what is the best way to carve wood?

A:  whittle by whittle!

Friday, May 1, 2015