Wednesday, July 31, 2013

whimsical wednesday

it's memory books and/or notable notebook day for whimsical wednesday.  what did you write?  i wrote about gardening in my memory book and jotted a few quotes in the notable notebook!  happy writing this whimsical wednesday!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

not something you see every day!

it's NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY! at the whimsey project! share your funny, unique, gobsmacking experiences with us today!

suz sent this photo for her NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY!  it's a volunteer tomato plant growing between the two potted tomato plants.

Monday, July 29, 2013

get ready.....

whimsical wednesday will find us writing in our memory books or notable notebooks or both!  a memory book is any notebook in which a person puts memories on actual paper.  my memory book is filled with random memories of me growing up, as an adult, about my children, grandchildren, whatever comes to mind. a notable notebook is any notebook filled with quotes, ideas, definitions of cool words and anything else one would want to make note of!  if you haven't a memory book or notable notebook, this whimsical wednesday would be a great day to begin one or both!

Friday, July 26, 2013

photo friday

happy flowers sent to mom for make someone smile week!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

thoughtful thursday

it's make someone smile week.  make someone smile this week and every week!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

whimsical wednesday

to cope with the dog days of summer, we are celebrating christmas in july this whimsical wednesday!  activity suggestions included watching a christmas movie, listening to (and singing along with) christmas music, create christmas decorations or make christmas cards!  there are lots of activities you can do for christmas in july.

for whimsical wednesday's christmas in july, i created christmas cards.  since i am the post card queen (i can say all i need to say on a post card!), i stamped 50 postcards with a christmas image and utilized my nifty spica pens to add colored hightlights! i even got my return address stamped on the cards! now, i think i'll watch a christmas movie!  ho ho ho.......

suz sent this photo of her whimsical wednesday christmas in july activity:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

not something you see every day!

what do you have to share for this week's edition of NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY!?  looking forward to reading about your fun and interesting experiences!

Monday, July 22, 2013

get ready.....

it's the dog days of summer!  *pantpantpant*  to keep cool this whimsical wednesday, we'll be celebrating christmas in july!  watch a christmas movie, listen to christmas music, make a gift or create a decoration for the house or christmas tree.  ho ho ho.....

Saturday, July 20, 2013


from a website i enjoy, ten smoothie recipes for summer refreshment:

the four remaining wee ducks are half grown!  they represent the most successful duckling brood in the farm's history of wild ducks and geese living on the lake.  it's so exciting!

the five kittens that were in my bedroom to welcome me home earlier this week were relocated to the screened porch.  mama has moved them from there to parts unknown.

have something to share or wish to comment or ask a question?  email the whimsey project at:

Thursday, July 18, 2013

thoughtful thursday

phyllis diller.....

a smile is a curve that sets everything straight!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

whimsical wednesday

it's yellow pig day for whimsical wednesday!  briefly, the yellow pig was created by two college students in the 1960s in association with a math assignment to consider the properties of the number 17.  (see link posted on monday of this week for more information about yellow pig day)

for my yellow pig day observance, i selected the smallest room of the house (excluding the bathrooms) in order to find 17 items that included the color yellow or were completely yellow.  the results:

computer modem plug-in
calendar cover
drink can cozy
dog toy
flower pot
picture frame mat
photograph of sunflower
tea towel
title on video cassette jacket
chip bag
dead leaf on plant
drawing of bees and dandelions
kitty eyes

how did you celebrate yellow pig day!?

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

not something you see every day!

today is NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY! at the whimsey project!  share your funny, surprising, interesting, unique experiences with us.

here's one.....
last night i returned home from visiting family.  my friend, kathy, collected me from the train then drove me home.  what we found in my bedroom was five kittens!  when i left there were kittens in the garage.  the evidence before us indiciated that while i was gone mama kitty moved them into the house. kathy and i sat on the bed and held them.  oh, they are sooooooooo cute.  cute or otherwise, they are going back outside today.  having five kittens in the bedroom as a welcome home surprise isn't something you see every day!

Monday, July 15, 2013

get ready.....

whimsical wednesday is also yellow pig day!  we'll be focusing on the pig! can't wait to read about how whimsical folks celebrated!  more information about yellow pig day here:

Thursday, July 11, 2013

thoughtful thursday

today i'm thinking about how success, and how it doesn't have to be huge and cast in broad strokes. it can be as "simple" as realizing a goal that we've set our hearts on achieving. which makes me think about the luna troop, a dance group founded by sarah heston. their mission was to return once-dancers to the joy of having dance in their lives, to nurture developing talent, and to share dance with an audience. they have achieved all of these goals, and then some, and it fulfills and makes each involved to do such. success, indeed!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

whimsical wednesday

we're composing clerihew this whimsical wednesday!  what is clerihew? it's a four line, two couplet poem; lightheartedly written  about someone famous (who appears in the first line).  our clerihews for whimsical wednesday can be about anyone or anything!  here's mine:

a site on the net known as twitter
is filled with tweets that creates lots of chatter
some of them are clever
some just don't matter.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


the whimsey project is celebrating its third anniversary today! 

raise a glass (or cup) of the beverage of your choice! 


Monday, July 8, 2013

get ready.....

we are participating in clerihew day for whimsical wednesday!  what in the world is clerihew?  clerihew is a four line poem, typically about an individual that is famous. choose the person you wish to write about and compose a clerihew about them. (note:  while a clerihew is about someone famous, your clerihew can be about anyone!)

follow the link to find out more about clerihew:

Saturday, July 6, 2013


the hummingbirds have returned to the feeders. the honeysuckle blossoms have faded, reducing the allure of those plants.  i missed them, especially at the feeder that hangs inches from the dining room windows.

the wee duckling census is four.  they grow larger each day.  everyday they survive the perils of the wild, the larger they grow.  the larger they grow, the more likely they will survive and enjoy adulthood.  every day i cheer them on!

all of the ducks typically swim close to the bank of the lake and watch me scatter their food. when i am finished and walk back toward the house, they hop out of the lake to chow down. this morning it was as usual until i made noise the little ones didn't like. they were halfway across the lake in no time with mama quacking after them as fast as she could paddle!

mama raccoon continues to bring her four little ones to the maple tree looking for munchies.  the munchies are there since munchies keep them out of the bird feeders.  the little ones are so cute, scampering across the lawn to their destination.

if you wish to send the whimsey project a photograph for publication consideration or wish to contact us, email at


Friday, July 5, 2013

photo friday

a twitter friend of the whimsey project, @XioSeeYou, offered today's photo(s); amazing photography of moisture on plants.  they look whimsically magical!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

whimsical wednesday

it's celebrate disobedience day for whimsical wednesday!  a gently silly act of disobedience is the order of the day.  

i was an outrageously disobedient rebel this morning!  you know those tags on pillows, mattresses, etc that state UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THIS TAG NOT TO BE REMOVED.......    well.  i skipped around the house ripping all such tags off pillows!  it was exhilarating!

tell us about your gently silly act of disobedience for whimsical wednesday!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

not something you see every day!

once again, it's time for NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY!  share all your hilarious, unique, amazing experiences at the whimsey project today!

Monday, July 1, 2013

get ready.....

whimsical wednesday is on july 3rd.  among the strange and unique observances for this date is disobedience day!  celebrate the day with a gently silly act of disobedience!  here's a link for more information about disobedience day: