the whimsey project is an on-going opportunity for others to join the artist in happenings as well as blog about life's whimsical experiences. if you have a sense of humor and enjoy the absurd, join us at the whimsey project.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
not something you see every day!
it's tuesday! and time for NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY! share your unique, wacky, unusual, interesting experiences with us!
Monday, April 29, 2013
get ready.....
whimsical wednesday is also may first; may day! let's celebrate may day. you might give the neighbors may day "baskets" of flowers or flowers for you and/or your family or plant flower seeds or make pretty pretend flowers or send someone a handmade or purchased card with flowers on it! you might even have a may pole! whatever you decide to do, enjoy!
Saturday, April 27, 2013
have a photograph to share for photo friday? have an idea to offer for whimsical wednesday? anything else?
email the whimsey project:
email the whimsey project:
Friday, April 26, 2013
photo friday
thank you, twitter friend, for sharing your lovely spring day with us!
follow the link:
follow the link:
Thursday, April 25, 2013
thoughtful thursday
a twitter friend introduced me to @poetshouse. visit their site at
the poems most enjoyable for me are those written by children. today's thoughtful thursday is one such poem:
a ride on the 6 train will get you there.
no, do not take the A train.
don't miss your stop.
max, first grade, ps 2763 nyc
what better advise is there? a metaphor for life! *giggle*
the poems most enjoyable for me are those written by children. today's thoughtful thursday is one such poem:
a ride on the 6 train will get you there.
no, do not take the A train.
don't miss your stop.
max, first grade, ps 2763 nyc
what better advise is there? a metaphor for life! *giggle*
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
whimsical wednesday
we undertook a challenge this whimsical wednesday. we gathered an envelope received in the mail, a toothpick, a button, a paperclip and a length of string. after we gathered these items we used them to be creative.
(a photo to share? email to:
the challenge was completed in the form of a collage in the art journal. note the button on the string between envelope and toothpick. it slides up and down! |
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
not something you see every day!
tuesday! we await your hilarious, ridiculous, interesting, unique experience of NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY!
Monday, April 22, 2013
get ready.....
get ready for a challenge this whimsical wednesday!
*a piece of string, less than a yard in length
*a used envelope, preferably one that came in the mail that would be recycled
*a button, two or four holes
*a paper clip, any size
*a toothpick, round or square
what will you create with these five items?!
*a piece of string, less than a yard in length
*a used envelope, preferably one that came in the mail that would be recycled
*a button, two or four holes
*a paper clip, any size
*a toothpick, round or square
what will you create with these five items?!
Saturday, April 20, 2013
back to the weather; always the weather. it was too hot, a storm brewed, bringing along a cold front and now it's too cold!
suddenly everything is green! leaves that were barely visible as buds are now full blown and gorgeous. while tiny now, they will soon blanket all the branches of the trees and other vegetation. the grass is not just green, it's emerald!
two of the mama kitties no longer look "full" however who knows where they have the nests for the newborn kittens. they'll all appear sooner than later, no doubt. then it will be time to double the amount of cat food purchased!
more and more of the spring bulbs are in bloom. they are so joyful.
suddenly everything is green! leaves that were barely visible as buds are now full blown and gorgeous. while tiny now, they will soon blanket all the branches of the trees and other vegetation. the grass is not just green, it's emerald!
two of the mama kitties no longer look "full" however who knows where they have the nests for the newborn kittens. they'll all appear sooner than later, no doubt. then it will be time to double the amount of cat food purchased!
more and more of the spring bulbs are in bloom. they are so joyful.
Friday, April 19, 2013
photo friday
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jovey and michael at the blue tree art installation (children of windy and mike) |
read more about the "paint the town blue" art project in their hometown of norcross, georgia.
thank you, windy, for sharing the photograph with the whimsey project!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
thoughtful thursday
there's a reason i live in the country. close to nature. this time of year i am particularly fond of my yard, lawn, grass; whatever one would label it. by the standards of most, my green space is a mess. definitely not pristine. that's why i love it so much. as spring approaches, the blades of grass begin to turn green and grow. there are a multitude of wildflowers mixed in with the grasses, in all colors: yellow, pink, white, violet, red; with all manner of foliage. the wildflowers emerge one variety at a time so each is highlighted before giving way to the next one's entrance. they, then, are all mingled together like guests at a grand party. it's always sad for me when the grass gets cut for the first time in the spring because all the "guests" leave. so the grass doesn't get cut until almost may. country living at it's finest!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
whimsical wednesday
we are writing in our memory books or notable notebooks this whimsical wednesday.
dialogue from movies that pique my interest must be written somewhere for posterity! the notable notebook serves that purpose. recorded from the movie "up the downstairs case" just watched. the school nurse to a teacher: "i gave her a cup of tea. at least that's something!"
dialogue from movies that pique my interest must be written somewhere for posterity! the notable notebook serves that purpose. recorded from the movie "up the downstairs case" just watched. the school nurse to a teacher: "i gave her a cup of tea. at least that's something!"
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
not something you see every day!
tuesday and time for NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY at the whimsey project! please share your unique, interesting, unusual, funny experiences.
Monday, April 15, 2013
get ready.....
we'll be writing in our memory books or notable notebooks as we do once a month for whimsical wednesday.
if you haven't begun either as yet, this whimsical wednesday will be a great place to begin. use any bound notebook of paper or loose leaf to put into a binder. a memory book is just that; entries of any memories. mine is a jumble of me as an adult, a child, memories about my children, grandchildren, friends, experiences. these are written in no particular order, just when i think about them and decide to write them in the memory book. a notable notebook is a place to record all sorts of fun stuff: definitions to neat words, quotes, ideas, anything you encounter that you want to record!
if you haven't begun either as yet, this whimsical wednesday will be a great place to begin. use any bound notebook of paper or loose leaf to put into a binder. a memory book is just that; entries of any memories. mine is a jumble of me as an adult, a child, memories about my children, grandchildren, friends, experiences. these are written in no particular order, just when i think about them and decide to write them in the memory book. a notable notebook is a place to record all sorts of fun stuff: definitions to neat words, quotes, ideas, anything you encounter that you want to record!
Saturday, April 13, 2013
this sunday past felt like the first real day of spring. every element that evokes spring was present; sunshine, blue sky, gentle breeze, warmth without hot or cold mixed in. the birds were singing joyfully as if they had just been set free. it was indeed a perfect day and it was savored. by midweek, it was 84 degrees! the rise of heat collided with the underlying cold air, producing storms. now it's colder again. the next "first" real day of spring is eagerly awaited.
as the weather is discussed so very much in every venue possible, it's amazing we talk about a facet of life we have absolutely no control over. perhaps that complete lack of control is precisely why we talk about the weather so much!
when megan and jacob were toddler/preschool age, family friends gifted a train set that the dad had built for their young son. it was given to me to have here for the grandchildren when they visited the farm. the train board was built on a low table-like structure at the perfect height for a wee one. and for a little one, it's huge as it's about 4 ft by 8 ft. jacob instantly fell in love the moment he was introduced to it. megan liked playing with it as well. the train set passed along from one who outgrew it has now been outgrown by the recipient. my daughter's friend brings her children to visit when they are in town. her little guy, like jacob, immediately bonded with the train set. and her daughter enjoyed it too, just like megan. yesterday the train set began the journey to move to their home. and, when it's time, no doubt the train will find a new home with other children. legacy toys; best ever!
Friday, April 12, 2013
photo friday
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
whimsical wednesday
it's explore your junk drawer for whimsical wednesday! we are counting any one particular item, determined before digging into the drawer.
my junk drawer is a small kitchen drawer next to the telephone. items i don't know what to do with or need close, i toss in the drawer. before i opened the junk drawer this morning, i decided to gather pencils. from back to front then front to back, i dug through the drawer, nabbing pencils as i searched. it was a very productive search as it yielded 66 pencils of all colors and sizes. what to do with all these pencils now that they were gathered? it was decided to keep only those pencils that had not yet been sharpened. perhaps the keep criteria could have been narrower as, after sorting all the pencils, there were 20 that had not been sharpened! (there was also a bunch of pens and keys. maybe someday i will count those as well.)
what did you discover in your junk drawer for whimsical wednesday?
my junk drawer is a small kitchen drawer next to the telephone. items i don't know what to do with or need close, i toss in the drawer. before i opened the junk drawer this morning, i decided to gather pencils. from back to front then front to back, i dug through the drawer, nabbing pencils as i searched. it was a very productive search as it yielded 66 pencils of all colors and sizes. what to do with all these pencils now that they were gathered? it was decided to keep only those pencils that had not yet been sharpened. perhaps the keep criteria could have been narrower as, after sorting all the pencils, there were 20 that had not been sharpened! (there was also a bunch of pens and keys. maybe someday i will count those as well.)
what did you discover in your junk drawer for whimsical wednesday?
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
not something you see every day!
yay! it's tuesday. whimsey's day for NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY! time to share your unique, interesting or hilarious experiences that just doesn't happen every day.
Monday, April 8, 2013
get ready.....
everyone has a junk drawer (or two or three.....) but we often really don't know what's contained therein! for whimsical wednesday, we'll take a journey in a junk drawer. before exploring the junk drawer of your choice, determine an item you'll likely find. gather as many of the selected item that is present in the junk drawer. count! how many? will you put them all back in the drawer? do something else with the items? can't wait to find out!
Saturday, April 6, 2013
easter sunday started out cold and dreary. the afternoon was warmer and more pleasant. that allowed sarah and i to sit on the porch for homemade cookies, tea and conversation. sarah was so pleased to be able to enjoy the porch during her brief easter visit that she snapped a photograph. her picture was featured for yesterday's photo friday.
it was warm enough to sit on the porch easter sunday but several days the rest of the week i awoke to frost!
the canada goose pair are visiting just about everyday. it's most likely that they are nesting, those two! along the the three pregnant outside kitties and a few of the mama ducks, there'll be babies on the farm soon.
at night the frogs are croaking with great enthusiasm.
the grass between the house and barn is populated with crawdad mud towers. a hilarious looking housing subdivision for the green creatures.
the ducks and geese are not yet attuned to the sound of the new wind chime. recently they were on the land eating their corn when the wind tugged the clapper and music ensued. startled, the feathers scattered; flying low over the land until they were safely on water.
the turkeys can be heard gobbling in the woods at first light.
it was warm enough to sit on the porch easter sunday but several days the rest of the week i awoke to frost!
the canada goose pair are visiting just about everyday. it's most likely that they are nesting, those two! along the the three pregnant outside kitties and a few of the mama ducks, there'll be babies on the farm soon.
at night the frogs are croaking with great enthusiasm.
the grass between the house and barn is populated with crawdad mud towers. a hilarious looking housing subdivision for the green creatures.
the ducks and geese are not yet attuned to the sound of the new wind chime. recently they were on the land eating their corn when the wind tugged the clapper and music ensued. startled, the feathers scattered; flying low over the land until they were safely on water.
the turkeys can be heard gobbling in the woods at first light.
Friday, April 5, 2013
photo friday
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
whimsical wednesday
it's share an activity with someone far away for whimsical wednesday!
my activity with far away someone(s) will be enjoyed later today. my daughters and i are having tea together after they are both home from work. tea in manhattan. tea in chicago. tea on the farm. with tea biscuits. i shall spend the entire day looking forward to tea with my best friends.
what was your activity with someone far away?
my activity with far away someone(s) will be enjoyed later today. my daughters and i are having tea together after they are both home from work. tea in manhattan. tea in chicago. tea on the farm. with tea biscuits. i shall spend the entire day looking forward to tea with my best friends.
what was your activity with someone far away?
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
not something you see every day!
it's tuesday! time for NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY! what will readers share in the way of unique, curious, funny, interesting today?!
Monday, April 1, 2013
get ready.....
we are sharing an activity this whimsical wednesday!
arrange to do something at the same time with someone you are connected to but lives far away. you could have tea together, watch a movie together, do an art project together, take a walk together, shop at the same store together. anything the two of you would enjoy. if you wish to communicate with each other during the activity, please enjoy that as well.
looking forward to reading about what you did with someone else far away this whimsical wednesday!!
arrange to do something at the same time with someone you are connected to but lives far away. you could have tea together, watch a movie together, do an art project together, take a walk together, shop at the same store together. anything the two of you would enjoy. if you wish to communicate with each other during the activity, please enjoy that as well.
looking forward to reading about what you did with someone else far away this whimsical wednesday!!
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