Friday, March 30, 2012

photo friday

one of life's most heartwarming surprises: flowers delivered at your door and the card  reveals that someone you love loves you too (and shows it by sending flowers)!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

thoughtful thursday

every year a huge arts and crafts supply catalogue arrives in the mail.  it is 575 pages of gloriously engrossing items to pore over.  there is a ritual to reading such a tome.  it is looked through twice then the third turning of the pages includes paper and pencil to make note of all the items desired to purchase.  the list is always very, very long.  my thought processes go on overdrive as items are discovered; "that would be great to make......" or "i could use that in a sculpture....." or "that art/craft would be interesting to try....."  or "wow! look at that!..."  of course, it is not possible to purchase all of the items on the list nor is there time enough to make all of the projects that come to mind.  perhaps what is most enjoyable about my sessions with the arts and crafts supply catalogue is the wonderful feeling of possibility that wells up in me.  sometimes it is not necessary to actually do something.  sometimes it is enough to know that it is possible.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

whimsical wednesday!

today the whimsical wednesday activity was to hang hummingbird feeders.  while in town yesterday, i purchased a 10 pound bag of sugar for making nectar.  (this bag of sugar should last for quite awhile this season unless a swarm of hummers appear to dine!)  this morning, the nectar was made and put in the refrigerator to chill.  the feeders were brought in from the garage and washed.  the two that were hung today are glass; one dad used and gave to me last year and a new one purchased on sale last fall.  early afternoon, the feeders were filled and hung outside; one in the front of the house and one in the back.  putting feeders in more than one location will allow hummingbird viewing wherever we might be outside or in the house.  there's nothing to do now but wait and watch for the hummingbirds to arrive.  if nectar is offered, they will come!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


ants have already begun invading the house's interior!  a friend introduced me to an amazing product to rid the space of ants!  TERRO  is a liquid, borax based ant bait. this was placed about the house in locations where the ants have been congregating. within a half hour of introducing TERRO, the ants flocked to the bait.  after less than a day, the ant population diminished significantly.  wow!  ant invasion relief.

during my travels in the last few weeks, not one new license plate was spotted.  oh, to spy the elusive few to complete the license plate hunt for all 50 states.

in addition to the count of colorful flora of last week's whimsical wednesday activity, the dogwood and red bud trees are now in full bloom.  gorgeous!

turtles have emerged and have been sunning themselves lake side.

watching the coming of dawn this morning, while sipping tea, was a wonderful way to begin the day!

Monday, March 26, 2012

get ready.....

this whimsical wednesday we will hang out hummingbird feeders.  a homemade nectar can be used.  mix four parts water to one part sugar (for example, four cups of water to one cup of sugar).  it is helpful to boil  at least half of the water to dissolve the sugar then add the rest of the water.  your hummingbird friends will enjoy!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

thoughtful thursday

some days thoughts are jumbled and there are no words.  it seems wise to pay attention to such a state of being. words could be forced but what does that accomplish?  quiet often speaks volumes.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

whimsical wednesday!

it's spring according to the calendar but the temperature (85 degrees) feels emphatically summer!  green is bursting forth in all shades and hues.  spring flowers, the focus of this whimsical wednesday, are everywhere i look.  many of the plants that are currently blooming would have come in succession if the temperature was cooler.  bulbs are blooming; iris, tulips, daffodils and crocus in yellow, purple, white, red.  the strawberries have white blossoms.  the meadow and woods are full of spring beauties, a sweet, delicate white blossom with pink stripes on the pedals.  the violets are happily blooming in purple, pink and white.  of course there are yellow dandelions.  welcome flowers!  welcome spring!

Monday, March 19, 2012

get ready.....

spring is officially here as of tomorrow (according to the calendar).  for whimsical wednesday we shall look for the first signs of spring flowers.  look for them anywhere they may appear; bushes, shrubs, trees, cultivated or naturalized plants. keep a tally of type and color!  may your flower search yield many smiles!

Friday, March 16, 2012

photo friday

a turtle nomming a strawberry! as seen far and wide on the web, but always a favorite for me.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

thoughtful thursday

at the end of the long distance phone call with my far away friend a week previous, she said, "you are the only one who understands me".  others have said that to me so it wasn't the first time that sentiment has reached my ears.  as i traveled to my destination last friday, that statement was pondered for many miles.  it occurred to me that being "the only one who understands me" type of person really doesn't have as much to do with any particular, mysterious talent as much as the willingness to listen.  being a good listener is an amazing gift to offer to others.  it's a gift i am pleased to be able to share.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

whimsical wednesday!

all day was family night this whimsical wednesday!  i am visiting parents and my sister came for the day from her home in a neighboring town.  the day was spent working on chores around the house for them.  it was very satisfying to accomplish for them that which needs to be done.  i feel very helpful and useful as a result.  wednesday evenings typically finds the three of them enjoying an evening out.  tonight included me!  the evening capped a wonderful day.  did you have family time this whimsical wednesday?

Monday, March 12, 2012

get ready.....

we will be enjoying family night this whimsical wednesday.  do anything you would like to do with your family.  the goal is to take time for and to enjoy each other!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

photo friday

the christmas amaryllis in bloom!

thoughtful thursday

today was a day in which it was necessary to be focused on the task at hand; preparing for travel in the early morning.  as usual, there was a lot that had to be accomplished with those tasks that cannot be done until the day before leaving.  as i worked through the to-do list, the telephone rang.  the caller id revealed that it was a long distance call from a friend that needs a great deal of my time when she calls. reluctantly i picked up the phone and offered a resigned hello.  as she talked, i told myself to relax and just listen without the nagging "i still have so much to do!" tugging in the back of my mind.  after more than an hour, she was "full" and said goodbye.  her mood was much improved at the end of the call than when the call began.  i could have ignored the call as caller id offers options about answering or not answering the telephone.  i could have ignored her and continued with my planned day.  however, finishing my tasks on a busy day, even with the detour of giving her my full attention, went just as efficiently as had i ignored the phone call. besides completing my tasks, i helped ease someone's way. having accomplished both made for a more complete and satisfying day.  i'm very glad i picked up the telephone and said hello.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

whimsical wednesday!

we wrote letters to those we are closest to for this whimsical wednesday to celebrate national letter writing week.  my letters to daughters, son in law and grandchildren have been written and will soon be in the mail.  once received, they will be reminded of just how much they are loved, respected, enjoyed by me.  did you write letters to those you love this whimsical wednesday?

Monday, March 5, 2012

get ready.....

this week is national letter writing week. we have written letters before but this whimsical wednesday our letter writing will be different. offer letters to those who live in the same abode with you.  those closest to us are strengthened when being told how much they mean to those they love. if you live alone, send letters to your closest family members that are far away.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

thoughtful thursday

there is something absolutely wonderful about sharing a home with cats and dogs. they brighten the home in a way that nothing else can or does.  they are definitely our very special friends.